Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 2008 — Mālama Loans [ARTICLE]
Mālama Loans
Since the November launeh of the OHA Mālama Loan program, the Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund has approved 67 loans and has committed more than $1.7 million to the Native Hawaiian community. The monies dispersed
in just four weeks has set a record for the loan fund, whieh was established in 1990. The effectiveness of the OHA Mālama Loan program has been attributed to an innovative partnership with First Hawaiian Bank. The partnership has been lauded as a potential nahonal model for a sustainable revolving loan fund because it offers greater access and loan-processing efficiency. Native Hawaiian beneficiaries ean apply for home improvement, education and business loans at any of FHB's 58 branch banks statewide.