Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 1, 1 January 2008 — First Kau Inoa coffee hour brewed in Hauʻula [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
First Kau Inoa coffee hour brewed in Hauʻula
By Hawaiian Gūvernance Hale The first Kau Inoa Coffee Hour was held last month before a group of kūpuna in Hau'ula. A small group gathered at the home of Ramona Crowell to talk with Dede Alo and Nara Cardenas of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs' Outreach Team. Most of the guests were members of the Hauula Senior Citizens, a group whieh gathers weekly for support, fellowship and social services. The guests arrived and seated themselves, ready to hear the 15minute presentation. Some interesting questions and thoughtful
discussion followed. The kupuna were particularly concerned about how signing up would affect Social Security payments, military allowances, Medicaid, and so forth. They were reassured that signing up for Kau Inoa does not affect anyone's citizenship nor does it disqualify anyone from collecting government benefits. A woman nodded her understanding: "[Kau Inoa] doesn't make us any less American." While it will not take away any rights or privileges, signing up for Kau Inoa will provide a voice for these Hawaiians, who have some apprehension about the future of
our people. One expressed strong feelings: "How eome we don't have a cemetery for Hawaiians? Burials are so expensive, we should have a cemetery so the kūpuna ean rest in peaee." The conversation lead naturally to the problem of Hawaiian bones exposed due to development, the high cost of living, the growing number of homeless, and the shrinking number of Hawaiians with enough blood quantum to qualify for Hawaiian Homelands. Eaeh issue raised underlined the importance of Hawaiian cooperation and unity as a means to heal from our sufferings and find solutions to our problems. As the discussion wrapped up, one guest exclaimed "What are we waiting for? Ladies, let's sign our names!" Another said, "Thank you for this. I will go home and
get my children and grandchildren to sign their names." Then guests enjoyed eoeoa, tea, light refreshments and more eonversation. When the time eame for all to leave, our host conunented, "This is very good, very informative. I wish more of my friends
could have been here." Many thanks to Ramona Crowell and her 'ohana, who so generously opened her home to us. If you are interested in hosting a coffee hour, contact Dede Alo in the Hawaiian Governance Hale at 594-0266. ^
A small group of Hūu'uIū residents gother for Kau Inoa coffee hour. - Photo: Deirdra Alo