Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 2008 — Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
In the spirit of the New Year, KWO asked attendees of the recent State of OHA address: What should OHA's New Year's resolution be for 2008?
Ke'eaumoku Kapu Native Hawaiian Historic Preservation CounciI, volunteer The resolution for the Office of Hawaiian affairs for me is to focus on a lot of the ongoing problematic situations based on our his-
toric preservations - sites, iwi kūpuna, those kinds of issues. It's been a long tremendous battle to protect and preserve those kind of things.
Donna Lei Smythe 'Ahahui Ka'aliumanu, president I think they should continue on the path that they've been going in reaching out to the coimnunity. I think they're doing a wonderful job with that - and, they should eonhnue
to benefit the beneficiaries.
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Keoki Donner, 17 Ke Kula Kaiapuni 'o Ānuenue, student ?ouncil member andfootball player OHA does a lot for our football team and iur athletic teams. OHA supports them 100 iercent, and I want to thank them 100 per-
cent ror tneir support. ts.eep up tne gooa worK, ana pretty muen just help Hawaiians that are out there on the heaeh and eonhnue to support Hawaiian immersion.
Brendon Lee Kawaiolaonapukanileo choir, member For '08 1 would love to see OHA renewing their state-chartered mandate to promote any Hawaiian cause whether OHA agrees with it or not. I don't feel OHA currently does that;
they piek and choose depending on what the Board of Trustees want to defend, if you will, and not to portray or support any and all Hawaiian causes.
Ola Kipapa, 20 Precision Sound, stagehand I think their New Year's resolution should be to help the homeless Hawaiians to find places to stay so they have a ehanee to make something with their life. S