Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 24, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 2007 — Leaving paradise [ARTICLE]
Leaving paradise
I read with interest your artiele on the book "Kanaka," about Native Hawaiian migration to the Pacific Northwest in the service of Hudson's Bay Co. in the 1800s. (Ka Wai 01 a November issue) Another book on the subject is also available. The University of Hawai'i gave a grant to the
University of British Columbia recently to research the Hawaiians working for Hudson's Bay Co. Dr. lean Barman of the University of British Columbia did an outstanding and excellent job of researching this topic in the book she co-authored entitled "Leaving Paradise: Indigenous Hawaiians in the Pacific Northwest 1787-1898," published by the University of Hawai'i Press in 2006. I met Dr. Barman at the Whatcom County Museum in Bellingham, Washington, in 2006, where I lectured on Hawaiian history. Here we exchanged books: my book "ĪJntoId Fragments of Hawaiian History," for her book "Leaving Paradise." James G.Y. Ho Honolulu