Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 24, Number 12, 1 December 2007 — Kudos on a great issue [ARTICLE]

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Kudos on a great issue

I am engrossed in the November 2007 issue of Ka Wai Ola. There are so many fine articles in this issue - informative, interesting and some are heartwanning, too. The article "Living Laulima" is especially inspiring. I love the photos, too, especially the one of Calvin Hoe with his grand-

daughter Maile. How wonderful that even the very young keiki are being brought along to help and to "absorb" culture and coimnunity cooperation. As a retired teacher I am so glad to read that students are an important part of the project. Claire Ku'ulelani Hughes' eolumn "Get your money 's worth: use food labels" taught me a lot, thank you. My experience with nutrition is wide and varied because of physical disabilities, whieh are improving. Hippocrates, the so-called father of modern medicine, called good food the best medicine and poor food the cause of disease. I certainly have found this to be true, whieh is why I now eat unadulterated foods that are whole and often organic. (Enriching is no substitute for 100 percent whole grain breads, cereals, grains, etc.) Fruits and veggies grown in Hawai'i are abundant, delicious, very healthful and reasonably priced - especially at fanners' markets. I've heeome a vegetarian so I depend on our wonderful fanners in Hawai'i to supply me with a healthful, delicious healing diet. Rev. iulie Love-Lewis Honolulu