Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 24, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 2007 — Page 26 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Type or clearly write your 24-word-or-less ad and mail to: OHA at 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Honolulu, III 96813. Make eheek payable to ( ) 1 1 A .

10 ACRES BIG ISLAND: For sale: lease of 10-acre- agricultural lot in Pu'ukapu - no utilities, fully fenced. 808-896-6888. CASH BUYER for undivided interest Kapolei East! For sale 3bd/ 2ba 1 story Malu'ohai. Wilhelm JK Bailey (R) West O'ahu Reality, ine. Ph. 228-9236; email: realestate @ wjkbailey.com CASH BUYER looking for Waiohuli lease to purchase. Contact Century 21 All Islands top sales realtor Maile J. Masada R(S) 268-2322. CEMETERY PLOTS: Two, Valley of the Temples, side by side, $4000 eaeh. Call 295-4139. DIABETIC OR OVERWEIGHT? I ean help! Lost 35 lbs. in 5 wks. Off insulin, diabetic, cholesterol & BP meds. Fast, safe, easy & physician recommended. http://www.ohanawell ness.tsfl.com. Call Johnny Kai; 971-533-6881 or email: ohanawellness@ msn.com DHHL qualified buyers looking for Waiohuli, Wai'ehu Kou, and Kalawahine Streamside leases eall Maile J. Masada R(S), ABR at 808-268-2322. FOR SALE: 4 plots in Green Haven Cemetery in Kāne'ohe/ owned by Hawaiian Memonal. Close together (10, 11, 12, 13). $7,000. 808-553-3478 or 336-0842. FOR SALE, BIG ISLAND: Pu'ukapu 305 ae. Pasture, $900,000/ offer; Pu'ukapu 1 ae. Res., $200,000; Pu'ukapu 10 ae. Pasture, $75,000/ offer; Pana'ewa 10 ae. Ag, $175,000; Kamuela 4 bd/ 2.5 ba 10,001 sf. Charmaine I. Quilit Poki (R) 295-4474/ toll free 1-800-210-0221,

charmainequilit@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: Ho'olehua 2bd/2ba 10,041 sf. lot, $155,000; Ho'olehua 1 ae. res $100,000; Waiohuli undivided interest $80,000; Nānākuli 4bd/ 2ba 11,395 sf. lot, $399,000; Wai'anae 5bd/ 6ba w/lap pool, $495,000 Charmaine I. Quilit Poki (R) 295-4474 toll free 1-800-210-0221, charmainequilit@yahoo.com. FOR SALE, MAUI: 16.5 acres on Hawaiian Homestead lot in Kahikinui & lbd/ lba timeshare at Maunaloa by the Sea, 175k. Willing to negotiate. Call 808-268-9456. FOR SALE, MAUI: Wai'ehu Kou 4 subdivision. Koa dlx home being built on property, move in as early as March 2008. Need to pre-qualify for home? Selling lease? Please eall 385-0348 for more details. Serious inquires please. FOSTER/ RESOURCE FAMILIES NEEDED STATEWIDE: Hawai'i's keiki need safe and loving homes. For more information, eall 808-441-1117, toll free 888-879-8970 or email: hui@ pidfoundation.org. GET YOUR POLI PILLOW! Hawaiian Made! Proudly featured at these fine retailers: Nā Mea Hawai'i, Island Keepsakes, and 'Iolani Palaee Shops. Contact: 384-2215 or yeehoy L001@hawaii.rr.com. Enter subject: Poli. GO YIN GIVES YOU BALANCE! Healthy energy, enhanced mood, antioxidant power. For more info: GoYinTeamAloha.com; email: GoYinTeamAloha@gmail.com or eall 'Ilima 808-778-4250. HARP THERAPY: Kl hō'alu me ka

hapa, with all types of music, live on a gold concert harp for your next event. Customized programs. Lowest price in town. 944-0077. HOUSE FOR SALE: Hawaiian Homes La'i 'Ōpua subdivision in Kealakehe Kona, 3 bedrooms, 2 bath, garage, $295,000. 6 years old, as is. Call 9596358 HOUSE FOR SALE: Wai'anae Kai Hawaiian Homestead. Elegant custom built 2-story hollow tile/ wood, 4 bd/ 6 full ba. Spacious with cathedral eeilings, lap pool, corner lot, near elem. sch. Contact 523-8439. INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY DISCOUNT DENTAL PLANS As low as $99.00 individual and $159.95 family per year (15 mos.) Visit www. DentalPlans.com or eall 866-876-6859 use code HOME390 to save 10%. INTEGRITY AND HONESTY! Purchase your Hawaiian Homes property today! Let me represent you, buyer. Listing agent does not. Wilhelm JK Bailey (R) West O'ahu Reality, ine. Ph. 228-9236, email: realestate@wjkbailey. eom. LOVE TO TRAVEL? Want to get $$ for it? Own an on-line Travel Agency under $500. www.kaimanaztravel.com or 723-5118. SELLING? BUYING? NEED RESULTS! DHHL properties or fee simple. Call Kimberly A. Parks, R(S), Pradential Orchid Isle Properties: toll free 1-800-789-4753 or 808-987-0285. Email: kparks@ilhawaii.net. PANA'EWA BIG ISLAND: 5 ae. Ag. lot for sale electrical/ water on Elama.

Call: 808-895-1673. PONCHO'S SOLAR SERVICE: Solar water heating contractor, utility rebates, tax credits, save money. HECO & MECO approved independent contractor, new systems, pool heating systems, repairs. Free estimates. O'ahu: 4224266; Maui: 808-760-2345. Located in Waiohuli Homestead. SERIOUS about building a business to care for your family? Initial start up less than $800. Unique, highly sought after product. Call 808-268-2709 WANT TO BUY: Hawaiian Homes lease in La'i 'Ōpua subdivision in Kealakehe for loeal fireman. Will pay cash for offers within reason. 808-250-2750. WHEN BUYING OR SELLING A HOME choose a professional that speaks your language. Fee simple or homestead properties. Call Charmaine I. Quilit Poki (R), your Hawaiian homes specialist. 295-4474, toll free 1-800-210-0221, charmainequilit@yahoo. eom. WILL BUILD ON YOUR LOT in West Hawai'i - 3 bed/ 2 ba/ 2 car garage - 1,500 sf under roof. $150,000 - $160,000. 808-895-2919. TRADE: Waimānalo, O'ahu undivided interest residential lease for Kula, Waiohuli, Maui lease. Please eall 2642407 XANGO:Theoriginalmangosteenhealth supplement. Finally, something natural, an anti-oxidant & anti-inflammatory. Visit www.dsn.ltd.discovermangosteen. eom or eall Dexter; 808-753-4041.