Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 24, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 2007 — Bioprospecting meetings [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Bioprospecting meetings

The State of Hawai'i Temporary Advisory Commission on

Bioprospecting will be wrapping up a series of statewide publie meetings during November. Bioprospecting is the collection of material from plants, animals and micro-organisms for the purposes of furthering research and developing commercial products such as pharmaceuticals. In many countries where bioprospecting has taken plaee, laws do not protect relevant biological resources or specify any means for sharing corporate profits from the products of bioprospecting with indigenous people. In anticipation of increased bioprospecting in Hawai'i, state lawmakers last year appointed a commission to gather publie comment to be used in establishing laws and policies related to bioprospecting activity in Hawai'i. OHA Trustee Walter Heen, chairperson of the bioprospecting commission, provides a perspective on bioprospecting history in this issue of Ka Wai Ola (see page 23). The schedule of upcoming bioprospecting meetings is as follows: • Moloka'i: Tues., Oct. 30, 68:30p.m.,OHA/DHHLConference room; •Lāna'i: Thurs., Nov. 8, 6-8:30 p.m., Lāna'i High & Elementary School Cafeteria; •Maui:Tues.,Nov. 13,6-8:30p.m., Mayor Hannihal Tavares Community Center, meeting room 1; • O'ahu: Tues, Nov. 20, 68:30 p.m., Leeward Community College, and Tues., Nov. 27, 68 : 3 0 p .m. , Wind ward Community College.