Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 24, Number 10, 1 October 2007 — Hawaiʻiʻs hijacked Civil Rights Advisory Committee [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Hawaiʻiʻs hijacked Civil Rights Advisory Committee

£ A no'ai kākou. As impossible as it /\ sounds, the anti-Akaka raeists have Ā. A.reached a new low. As most of you may have heard, the Hawai'i State Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights (HISAC) has begun heaiing testimony on the proposed Akaka Bill. In a move that shows just how ignorant the Bush administration is about Hawaiian history and culture, new members of the advisory committee include H. William Burgess, James Kuroiwa Jr. and lawyer Paul Sullivan - all of whom have publicly stated their strong opposition to the Akaka Bill. These bozos are now using the commission to give their preposterous arguments the illusion of legitimacy. The fact that the Civil Rights Commission is against the Akaka Bill is an irony of the highest order. The leaders of the Civil Rights Movement who bled for equal rights in the '60's must be rolling in their graves! HISAC had a public briefing in the state Capitol auditorium on Aug. 20. State Attorney General Mark Bennett spoke in strong support of the Akaka Bill, while Roger Clegg of the Center for Equal Opportunity in Virginia spoke in opposition. Bennett must be commended for his expertise on the issues and using his quick wit to make Clegg look like a fool. Clegg kept insisting that the Akaka Bill is uneonstitutional, as if saying it over and over would make it a reality, but Bennett made it clear that Congress has the (plenary) power to pass the bill into law. Clegg admitted ( several times ) that he wasn't familiar with Hawaiian history and culture, and it showed. He argued that the "one drop mle" for Hawaiians to be considered Hawaiian wasn't enough to qualify them to help rebuild a Hawaiian governing entity. He clearly didn't know that the United States Congress created the blood quantum percentage in the 1920 Hawaiian Homes Act to limit the number of Hawaiians who qualified for homelands. It had nothing to do with defining whether a person ean be considered Hawaiian or not. Clegg also argued that the islands were not united as a single distinct nation prior to the arrival of Europeans and, therefore, don't qualify to rebuild their govemment. This statement is also mistaken, since the islands were still occupied by Native Hawaiians who were governed by a feudal system

of island chiefs. Bennett had to remind him again that the argument is moot, since Congress clearly has the power to make it happen. Clegg argued that Hawaiians can't rebuild their government under the process set up for Native Ameiiean tribes because the Hawaiian govemment hasn't continued to ftinction over the 100plus years since the overthrow. Bennett responded that it is ridiculous for the United States, who helped to overthrow the Hawaiian govemment, to now say that Hawaiians can't rebuild their govemment because it doesn't exist today. Finally, Clegg argued that if the Akaka Bill passed, it could encourage other people to ask for nationhood, such as the native peoples living in Texas. Bennett said it best when he reminded the audience that people usually go to "slippery slope" and "what if ' arguments onee they mn out of good ones. This got more than a few chuckles from the audience. I believe Clegg showed his tme intentions when he mentioned that Hawaiians number more than 400,000 people across the nation and asked whether it would be wise to give so mueh power to such a large group within the U.S. He stressed that no Ameiiean Indian or Alaska Native tribe even comes close to our numbers. If he had done his research, he would have known that the Navajo, the largest Native Ameiiean tribe, have close to 500,000 members. Clegg and the racists that invited him here to speak obviously fear that the Akaka Bill would give us the power to finally help ourselves to forge a brighter future. They obriously want to keep Hawaiians and other native peoples from being selfsufficient. We need to fight harder now, not only to preserve our rights as natives of this land but to show these racist Americans that we are not just poor Hawaiians but sawy Americans as well. We will attain sovereignty no matter how long it takes. Dan Boylan of MiiWeek said it best: "The GOP insults Hawai'i's host culture," by stacking the deck of the Civil Rights Commission with Republican ideologues. I mua e Hawai'i nei. On a very special note: A great big Mahalo and farewell to my dear secretary, Gladys Rodenhurst, who retires this monlli at the age of 81 after many years of loyal service to myself andtheOf£iceofHawaiianAf£iars. We all wish her the best in her retirement years. We will miss her smile and her willingness to help anyone who needs her assistance. Aloha, Aunty Gladys. We will all miss you, but no one more than I. God bless and God speed. For more information on important Hawaiian issues, eheek out my website at www.rowenaakana.org. ^

Rūwena Akana TrustEE, At-largE