Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 24, Number 10, 1 October 2007 — lndigenous higher educatīon conference [ARTICLE]

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lndigenous higher educatīon conference

Native Hawaiians will be among the more than 150 delegates expected to convene at the 2007 World Indigenous Nations Higher Education Consortium (WINHEC) conference that will be held Oct. 21-23 at Chaminade University in Honolulu. The event, whieh is a precursor to the large National Indian Education Association conference being held at the Hawai'i Convention Center Oct. 25-28 (see ad on page 2), is intended to provide a forum for discussing the eommon goals of indigenous people in higher education. Participants will also be arriving from Alaska, Aotearoa, the U.S. continent, Canada, Australia, Saamiland, īaiwan and Somalia. The WINHEC eonference grew out of discussions that began at the University of Alaska in 1993. Convened onee before in Hawai'i, WINHEC is now in its 5th year. To register, contact Claire Pruet at cpruet@ chaminade.edu or eall (808) 735-4744.