Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 24, Number 10, 1 October 2007 — Superferry [ARTICLE]

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It's so sad to see Hawaiians, along whh locals, on Kaua'i and Maui taking the side of two groups mn by See LEĪTERS on page Ū4


Cūntinued fram page 03 haoles - Maui lomonow and Sierra Club-Maui - who are misleading people about the Superferry. On the subject of invasive species, whieh some believe that the Superferry will bring to their island: well, eveiy island has hundreds, if not thousands, of non-native plants that all eame here by birds, not mankind! Also the Superferry, with its radar and sonar, ean easily dodge the whales and maiine life. Superferry was certified by the U.S. Coast Guard, so it can't be any safer, because of the strict guidelines of the Coast Guard! It's just because they used public funds and these two groups can't that they are taking offense! Vaiious people who do business on O'ahu wliile living on Maui ean benefit greatly by being able to take our own cars to O'ahu, since car rental companies don't like to rent to locals without so mueh hassles! Hopefully the many who lost their jobs because they were stuck on another island are planning to file lawsuits against these two organizations! Rodney Souza Wailuku, Maui