Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 24, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 2007 — Stay Hawaiian [ARTICLE]
Stay Hawaiian
I read the comment by Mr. TwiggSmith and am appalled to think that even in 2007 people still believe that Hawai'i Nei is the same for Hawaiians as for non-Hawaiians. Hawahans are more disenfranchised now than EVER before. We hardly own any of the 'āina that our kūpuna taught us to respect and care for . . . you tricked us and took it away. We have a school set aside for just our keikis; you're not happy with that . . . you wanna take it away. Today you
want Kau Inoa, tomorrow DHHL. Early intermarriages were a result of the haves and have-nots. Now that we are raising a nahon, you elaim "racial overtones and prejudice" . . . we eall it PRIDE! Native Hawaiians welcomed everyone in the beginning until you took advantage of our aloha and killed our spirit. I pray every day that my people rise in unity, prevail and STAY HAWAIIAN. Eric Konohia īemple Hills, Maryland