Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 24, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 2007 — Fellowships [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Several fellowship opportunities for Native Hawaiians, have recently been announced: • Martha Ross, OHA's bureau chief in Washington, D.C., has announced intern and fellow opportunities at the agency's Washington office. For nrore infornration, eall (202) 454-0920 or email nrarthaross@ohadc.org. • Native Hawaiian college undergraduates are encouraged to apply for the spring 2008 senrester of the all-expenses-paid Native Arrrerican PoMeal Leadership Prograrrr at George Washington University. In addition to tuition (6 credits), the prograrrr pays for transportation to and fronr the capital, housing, books, and incidentals. Selected interns attend class and a series of senrinars on Capitol Hill focusing on puhlie policy issues affecting Native American cornnrunities. They will learn nressage developnrent and nredia targeting in a practicunr setting and have their proposals critiqued by a body of professional career people. Applicants nrust subnrit a transcript of college work, a letter of recommendation fronr a faculty rnenrber, a resunre and a writing sarrrple. The deadline for applications is Oct. 15. Application infornration is available at www. gwu.edu/~siw/politics/adnrission/ scholarship.cfnr. Inquiries ean be directed to Dr. Gregory Lehel at siw@gwu.edu. • Lastly, the Office of the United Nations High Cornnrissioner for Human Rights is offering an Indigenous Fellowship Progranmre, with the aim of giving indigenous peoples the opportunity to gain knowledge of the UN systenr and rnechanisnrs deal-

ing with human rights and indigenous issues so they ean assist their organizations and eonnnunities in protecting the rights of their people. The decade-long progranr offers opportunities to English-, Spanish-, French- and Russianspeaking indigenous groups. candidates should email fellowship@ohchr.org.