Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 24, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2007 — Page 18 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Type or clearly write your 24-word-or-less ad and mail to: OHA at 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Honolulu, III 96813. Make eheek payable to ( ) 1 1 A .
10 ACRE RANCH LAND HOME FOR SALE Pu'ukapu Hawaiian Homes in Waimea. 3 bd/ 2 ba, bam arena; $400,000 0B0. CaU Kelly 960-6221. ALOHA HOME BUYERS AND SELLERS! For all your real estate needs with aloha eall LeiAloha S. Kawaguchi (RA); direct: 808-392-9453 or email: Lei. Kawaguchi@Hawaiimoves.com. Century21 All Islands. DIABETIC/ OVERWEIGHT? I ean help! Lost 35 lbs. in 5 wks. Off insulin, diabetic, cholesterol & BP meds. Fast, safe, easy & physician reconunended; http:// www.ohanawellness.tsfl.com. Call Johnny Kai; 971-533-6881 or email: ohanawellness @msn.com. DIVORCE, CUSTODY, adoption, guardianship, power of attomey, name change, simple will, patemity - uncontested legal documents done by an experienced paralegal will save you money. 781-2554. DYSLEXIA TREATMENT: Catch up with reading. Your child may catch up to grade level in 3 mo. Visit www.teczym.com for details. Call 853-0160. FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS: Call top sales agent Maile J. Masada, R(S), 268-2322 Century 21 All Islands, or email Hawaiian @ MaileMasada.com. FOR SALE: Open to offers
- Pu'ukapu 305 ae. Pasture $900,000; Pu'ukapu 1 ae. Res. $200,000; Pana'ewa 10 ae. Ag $175,000; Ho'olehua 38 ae. Ag/ Res. $250,000; Ho'olehua 1 ae. Res. $100,000; Kalama'ula 1 ae. Res. $17,000; Waiohuli undivided interest $90,000; Wai'anae 8,528 sq. ft. Res. $89,000. Charmaine 'Ilima Quilit (R) 2954474/ toll free 1-800-210-0221; channainequilit@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: Hawaiian Memorial Park (cemetery) Mountain View - single: $4,500. Near curbside/ faucet. For details/ neg. eall 7417250. FOR SALE: Maui Waiohuli residential - 1/2 acre, undivided interest. Asking $80,000. Serious inquires only. 808-357-0158/ mderego @ hawaii.rr.com. FOR SALE: Trade & cash 5 ae. Ag. lot. Serious inquires only! Ph. 696-1105. FOSTER/RESOURCE FAMILIES ARE NEEDED STATEWIDE: Hawai'i's keiki need safe and loving homes. For more information, eall 808-441-1117, toll free 888-879-8970 or email: hui@pidfoundation.org. GET YOUR POLI! Hawaiian made! Proudly featured at these fine retailers: Nā Mea Hawai'i, Island Keepsakes and 'Iolani Palaee Shops. Contact:
yeehoyl00 1 @hawaii. rr.com; enter subject: Poli. HARP THERAPY: Kī hō'alu me ka hapa, with all types of music, live on a gold eoncert harp for your next event. Customized programs. Lowest price in town. 944-0077. HAWAIIAN HOMESTEAD LEASETRADE/PURCHASE: Seeking 4 bd homestead lease, able to purchase or trade for Kaupe'a 3 bd/ 2 ba. Call 216-1818. HOUSEFORSALE:BigIsland, Pi'ihonua houselots, 4 bd/ 2.5 ba, 10,000 sf lease. Must be 50%, qualified w/ DHHL. Kimberly Parks R(S) Prudential Orchid Isle Properties; 808-987-0285, email: kparks@ilhawaii.net INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY DISCOUNT DENTAL PLANS As low as $99.00 individual and $159.95 family per year (15 mos.) Visit www. DentalPlans.com or eall 866-876-6859; use code HOME390 to save 10%. THINKING OF SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? Fee simple or homestead properties, eall Charmaine 'Ilima Quilit (R) Your Hawaiian Homes specialist; 808-295-4474/ toll free 1-800-210-0221, charmainequilit@yahoo.com.
KAMAKAWIWO'OLE: Inspirational designed Tshirts & accessories, "Official Retailer of No Scared Hawai'i"; www. Kamakawiwoole.biz . NEED A REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL? Top sales agent doing business statewide. Maile J. Masada, R(S) 268-2322 Century 21 All Islands or email Hawaiian@MaileMasada.com. PONCHO'S SOLAR SERVICE: Solar water heating contractor, utility rebates, tax credits, save money. HECO & MECO approved independent contractor, new systems, pool heating systems, repairs. Free estimates. O'ahu: 422-4266; Maui: 808-760-2345. Located in Waiohuli Homestead. TRADE: Anahola, Kaua'i undivided interest residential lease for Kula/ Waiohuli, Maui lease. Please eall 268-5898 or 268-8994. WANT TO BUY: DHHL Papakōlea lease, with or without house. Please eall 808-341-4560. XANGO: The original mangosteen heahh supplement. Finally, something natural, an anti-oxidant & anti-inflamma-tory. Visit www.dsn.ltd.discovermangosteen.com or eall Dexter; 753-4041. M