Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 24, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2007 — Page 17 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Wolfe. P.O. Box 19031 Honolulu, HI 96817, email poniwolfe@yahoo.com or eall me at 375-5278. Two separate reunions are in the planning stage for next year. Naehu/Saffery — I am seeking more information on Capt. and Judge Edmund Saffery (1806-1874), from England. He had two wives, Kupuna Naehu and Waiki Kawaawaaiki Naehu (1828-1900), both from Olowalu, Maui. Edmund and Kupuna had one child, Fanny (born 1850). She had three children with her husband, John Kaiaokamalie; Liwai, (born 1870 and married Kaleiahilani Kaaikala); John Jr. (born 1873, married Rebecca L. Kaaikala and later Maggie Pukai); and Levi (born 1879 and married Kini Akina). Edmund and Waiki had 12 children; Edmund Jr., (born 1850 and married Emalia Wallaee); Henry, (born 1852 and married Kahua Kaanaana); Caroline (born 1853 and married Frank Rose); William (born 1855 and married Emily Cockett and later Jennie Makekau); John (born 1857 and married Lucy Kahaulelio and later Rebecca Nahooikaika); Thomas (born 1858 and married Mary Luna (Kina)); Mary, (born 1861 and married Daniel Palena); Emma, (born 1862 and married William Pogue); Anna (born 1864 and married Joseph Kealoha and later Daniel Nahaku); Julianna (born 1865 and married Antone Freitas); Charles (born 1866 and married Emily Hawele and Catherine Kauhi); and Emalia (born 1873 and married Lai Ernestberge, George Conrad and Nelson Kaloa). If anyone has any information on the following individuals and/or their descendants, please contact me, Kaiawe Makanani at 696-0321 or by email at Kaiawe@gmail.com. Pali/Kalilikane — We are seeking the descendants of Lizzie Pali (born 1872) and her husband, George Miguel Kalilikane (born 1871), from Honua'ula, Maui. Together they had nine children; Annie (born 1889); Margaret (born 1890, married Manuel Soares Andrade); Edwin (born 1892, married Christina Bareuaba); Josephine (born 1894, married Manuel Gomes Jr.); George (born 1897, married Mary Rezentes); Harry (born 1901, married Kaula Kaeo); Abby (born 1907); Violet (born 1908); and Edward (born 1912, married Ellen Nakea). We would also like to invite to the reunion as our guests the descendants of the siblings of Elizabeth (Phillip, Adam, Lilia, Mary and Laura Pali) and George (Ana Piho and Luisa Kehalia). To participate in the monthly 'ohana reunion meetings, contact Kaiawe Makanani at 351-9452 or by email at Kaiawe@gmail.com; David Kalilikane at 668-0614; Keala Vasconcellos at 808-273-6330; Barbara Tachibana at 293-1399; or George Kalilikane at 524-4336. Rodrigues-Gaspar — A family reunion will be held for all the descendants of Antonio Rodrigues Gaspar and first wife, Ha'aha'a Lukela, and second wife, Kalama (Anna Kalama). It will be held on Moloka'i, Aug. 31-Sept. 3, 2007. The exact location will be announced later. For information, eontact Nanamae (Ziona) Puailihau at 808-567-6440 or email kizi@aloha.net; or Carolyn Rodrigues īakeuehi at 808-553-5441 or email ktakeuchi@mail.wave.hicv.net. Zablan — A reunion pienie will held for the Zablan 'ohana on Sat., Aug. 18, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. near the first bathroom at Magic Island. Contact Auntie Leatrice Zablan at 734-4779.