Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 24, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2007 — Act of terrorism [ARTICLE]
Act of terrorism
In recent months, articles and letters have used the tenn "terrorist" or "terrorism" when the subject of Hawaiian sovereignty is raised by the usual spinmeisters. Let me provide an historical example of terrorism. The year was 1893. Troops from naval gunships of a foreign government, armed with weapons of death and destruction, were ordered to invade and occupy the free, friendly and independent Kingdom of Hawai'i, threatening the safety and security of the citizens of the island nation. It was an act of terrorism in its ugliest fonn, with its handmaiden, imperialism. A recent letter printed in a loeal daily newspaper went so far as to accuse a woman, a dead woman, of instigating the need for that day of infamy. That author obviously felt safe in making that accusation, since Queen Lili'uokalani isn't able to face her accuser to defend her honor, integrity and character traits, whieh her accuser and others of his ilk sorely laek. I am reminded that when one points a finger of hlame at others, three of their own fingers are pointing back at themselves. Pathetic, really, but so typical. WalterAkimo Hilo, Hawai'i lsland