Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 24, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2007 — Paʻahao [ARTICLE]
Your recent article about celebrating makahiki in prison is a reminder to all that spiritual and cultural growth as an individual and as a group takes plaee wherever like minds find themselves. As joint recipients of OHA's coimnunity grants to help with the makahiki closing at Red Rock Correctional Center in Arizona, we are ever grateful for your help. Our celebration involved about 105 participants and muhiple
guests from the outside. The cold desert morning was awakened by the rising sun's warmth as we gathered in the prison yard. The native dances and musical entertainmentand special Hawaiian food for all Hawai'i prisoners temporarily lifted us from the often-mundane aspects of prison life. We are grateful for OHA's assistance and contributions that helped make our makahiki closing a great success. It is worth mentioning, also, that the nonprofit Hui Kāko 'o Pa'ahao was also a big part of our makahiki celebration. Their teaching and sponsorship has grown with us. Our hope is that OHA will eonhnue supporting Hui Kāko 'o Pa'ahao in their efforts in educating Hawai'i's prisoners both spiritually and in cultural matters. Miehael Hugbes Eloy, kniona