Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 24, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2007 — Genealogy courses [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Genealogy courses

The Friends of 'Iolani Palaee is offering introductory workshops on genealogy research every month in 2007. Two-day workshops are held on the first and sec-

ond Thursdays, and repeats on the third and fourth Thursdays of eaeh month, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The cost is $75 and includes instruction, syllabus and hands-on guidance. Handson research will be at loeal repositories, including the State Archives, State Library, First Circuit Court and the Bureau of Conveyances. Students must sign up for two days. Call to pre-regis-ter 203-7245 or 522-0822, or email info@iolanipalace.org.