Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 24, Number 7, 1 July 2007 — CNHA conference [ARTICLE]
CNHA conference
The Councii forNative Hawaiian Advancement (CNHA) is teaming up with the NationaJ Coaiition for Asian Pacific American Community Deveiopment to present its annuai Native Hawaiian Convention Aug. 22-24 at the Hawai'i Convention Center. The convention, whieh drew about 800 participants Jast year, wiii offer workshops, training sessions and roundtabie discus-
sions on a host of issues pertinent to Native Hawaiians. To register, appiy for a schoiarship or participate as a vendor or exhibitor, eaii 521-5011 or visit www.hawaiiancouncii.org/ annuaJconvention.htmi.