Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 6, 1 Iune 2007 — Akaka Bill [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Akaka Bill

Regarding the Akaka Bill, I am still very confused about a eouple of points. It is ironic that both Sen. Daniel Akaka and OHA have never conducted hearings among Kānaka Maoli to get input as to whieh form of self-government

we would prefer to have. How contradictory is it to the whole concept of selfdetermination that both Akaka and OHA would be moving full speed ahead with S . 310 without ever getting feedback first from the people they both purport to serve? What could OHA possibly have to lose by conducting hearings on all the islands to get input from its constituents about what form of self-governance they would want? OHA Chairperson Haunani Apoliona invoked the name of Lili 'u herself in justifying federal recognition, even speculating that the Akaka Bill would "fulfill the queen's dream" if it heeame a reality. Well, since we're speculating, isn't it more reasonable to think that the queen would view the Akaka Bill as another form of servitude and acquiescence to an admitted usurper? Haunani, do you really believe that Lili'u would want Kānaka Maoli to continue to serve the same invading forces that have dispossessed them of their precious 'āina? 'A'ole! Hanalei Pi'imanu I /ierra Encinitas, California