Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 6, 1 Iune 2007 — Hālau Lōkahi students [ARTICLE]
Hālau Lōkahi students
Aloha. 'O wau nō 'o Hinaleimoana Wong, a he kumu kula ho'i au ma ke kula ho'āmana o Hālau Lōkahi. He mamo ho'i kēia na nā 'ohana o Kawahinekoa/Paliokaweloa me Kealoha/Kaleikini/Kanahele. I am proud to be a part of our growing K-12 puhlie charter school that is culturally focused and driven by our Hawaiian eulture, history, values and perspective. As we conclude year six of instruction and look forward to year seven, we continue to reaffirm our mission to produce new leaders for our future, leaders whom will continue to strive for the freedom of our people from the confines of western poliīieal illusion and oppression. I couldn't help but notice that a recent photo caption regarding the Mana Hawai'i opening held in Waiklkl (Mei 2007 KWO) misidentifies several of my students as being from Hālau Kū Māna. The students pictured are from this year's 2007 Hālau Lōkahi graduating class, so I just want to make sure that they were acknowledged accordingly. Mahalo. Hinaleimoana Wong Via the lnternet
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