Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 6, 1 Iune 2007 — HOʻOHUI ʻOHANA FAMILY REUNIONS [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


E nā 'ohana Hawai'i: lf you are planning a reunion or looking for genealogical information, Ka Wai Ola will print your listing at no charge on a space-available basis. Listings should not exceed 200 words. OHA reserves the right to edit all submissions for length. Send your information by mail, or e-mail kwo@OHA.org. E ola nā mamo a Hāloal

Akau — Descendants of Ching Sen/ Kamakahema Awa are having a family reunion in Waimea, Hawai'i, July 20-22, 2007. Descendants are as follows: William P.M. Akau/ Kealoha Kalaluhi: Abraham ;Akau/Alice iAhina, Euniee Akau/ Solomon Kuahine, Elizabeth Akau/Maek Kalahiki, Theoodre ;Akau/Mary Keawe. Willima P.M. ;Akau/Lydia Awaa: John Akau/Rose Iokia, Apitai Akau/Margaret ;Arthur, Lydia Akau/Andrew ;Ako, Alexander Akau/ Mary Ako, Caroline Akau/ Samuel Keleleiki, David iAkau, William Akau, Barbara Chock. Pekina Akeni/Goo KimSeu: Ah Sing KimSeu/ Hattie Kauwe, Arthur KimSeu/Martha Coelho, iAmoe KimSeu/Robert Naeole, Allen KimSeu/ Aliee Nahakuelua, Ernest ;AkimSeu/Mary Kahookano, Abby Goo/Daniel Bush and Ernest Chang. Apitai Akeni/Kahana Maluwaikoo; iAnnie Apikai/Solomon Kuahine, John Apitai/ Adeline YoungPlease contact Andrew Akau, 883-8854 or 937-3304; Oscar Kaleleiki, 7750810; Lani Akau (Kawaihae), 882-7553; Joyce Sene, 247-7910; or Solomon Kuahine, 3829525 or 455-8102. Aki/Kaiahua — The descendants of William Joseph .Aki and Annie Wahinealii Kaiahua will hold a reunion Dec. 21, 2007, in Mākua, Wai'anae. In addition, a memorial service for Wilfred Kaanohi Aki will take plaee at Punchbowl Memorial Cemetary of the Pacific on Aug. 3. For information, contact Matilda Aki 625-0155 or Lu Ann Mahiki Lankford-668-9006. Oliwa Alapa Jr — We are having a 'ohana reunion for the descendants of Oliwa Alapa Jr. (born 1853 in Kekaha, Kaua'i) and his wife Emily Pahuaniani Makakao (born 1854 in Kaupō, Maui) and their children Harvey Oliwa (8/2/1872), Moses (1874), Alapa (1876), iAna (1/22/1886), Oliwa Jr. (1888), George Oliwa (1/15/1890) and Wahahulu (1892). The reunion will be held in Utah (in Salt Lake City, Orem and Iosepa) Aug. 9-11, 2007. If you are 'ohana and would like to attend our reunion, please contact one of our family representatives: George Ka'aihue Sr. in Utah 801-225-7124; Tilley Ka'aihue Peek in Utah at polycraca@yahoo.com; Kim Ka'aihue in Utah at kmik@mitylite.com; Nettie Alapa Hunter in Oregon 503-838-6273 or Alapa58@msn. eom; or Nell Ava in Hawai'i at 293-5778 or nava @ haw aii . rr. eom . Alvarado-Adolpho — The Alvarado-Adolpho reunion will be held July 12-14 in Hilo, Hawai'i. Descendents include Aunty Genoa, Saladaga, Makuaole, Apo, Koerte, Kinney, Paekukui, Johnson,Boro,Vea,Souza, Keawe-Aiko, Keawe, Saito, Debusca, Pia, īakenouehi, Shimamoto, Cansibog, Lindsey, Afong, Kahawaiolaa, Broads, Hoaeae, Bee, Johnson, Kawaa , Halemanu, Namakani, Hookano, Doane, Farling and Schumacher. Contact the following people for additional information and to register: Sandra Apo at aposilva@hawaiiantel. net; 257 W. Na'auao Street, Hilo, HI 96720; or eall 935-1661. Or contact Robert Shimamoto at bobkh6bmm@netscape.com; P.O. Box 1474, Kurtistown, HI 96760 or eall 808-936-9307. Baker/Lane — A reunion is being planned for the descendents of Robert Hoapili Baker and Bemicia Kailiponi Lane. Robert Hoapili Baker's genealogy ean be traced back to Robert Hoapili Baker of Waikapu, Maui, and Emma Kamakanoanoa Mersbergh, Bemicia Kailiponi Lane's genealogy descends from the family line of William Carey Lane of Ireland and Mary Kahooilimoku. of Mākao, O'ahu. This reunion

will be held in September 2007 at Kualoa Regional Park and Kualoa Ranch, No specific dates have been set at this time. For updates please visit http://web.mac.com/lokaikekauoha. katie/iWeb/Site. For more information, email Carol K. Rosa at carolr@hawaii.rr.com or Lokai K. Kekauoha at lokaikekauoha.katie@mac.com. Call Carol at 456-2279 or Kai at 671-1406. Brown — In preparation for the 2007 reunion of the John and Benjamin Brown 'ohana of Hilo, Hawai'i, the Hilo 'ohana is asking for all family members to update their contact information or share contact information about other family members. We are also asking members to update records of births, deaths and marriages. The family will be holding its reunion in Hilo from June 29-July 1, 2007. The 'ohana includes the descendents of William Christopher Brown, Enoeh Brown, Violet Nathaniel, Mealoha Anakalea, Benjamin "Tuna" Brown, Keala Kuamo'o, Valentine Brown, Manoa Brown and Maria Hendershot. A newsletter is forth.coming. For information, email Wilma Kuamo'o at hbohana@hawaii.rr.com, or Teri Temple at terisetemple@msn.com. Contrades/Holi — The mo'opuna of the late Peter Contrades Sr. and Ruby Roselani Holi will be having an 'ohana reunion gathering at Lydgate Pavillion Park Aug. 3-5, 2007, on Kaua'i. The children of Peter Contrades and Ruby R. Holi are Myrtle M. Napoleon, Peter Contrades, Ervin A.H. Contrades Sr., Waldamar J. Contrades Sr., Daniel W, Contrades Sr., Joseph B. Contrades, Imogene B. Richards, and Alieia K. Fernandez. E komo mai. For information, contact Luana Soares at 822-4597 or email luana. soares@hawaiiantel.net. Kalama — We would like to invite all relatives of John Kalama, who was born in Kula, Maui in 1811, to eome to a family reunion in Kalama City, Wash, This gathering will be held in conjunction with the "Days of Discovery," the 3rd Annual City Celebration, Aug. 24-26, 2007. For information, contact Gloria and Bill Nahalea of Kalama at www,alohaislandtreasurers.net or at napual7818@aol.com; Don Purvis, Kalama City councilmember at 360-673-4255 or donpurvis@msn.com; Zelma "Dubbie" McCloud at 360-491-7971 ; or Carmen "Bootsy" Kalama at 360-455-5136. Kaleimamahu — The Kaleimamahu 'ohana, from Waiāhole and Waikāne valleys, will hold a reunion June 22-24, 2007. Our kīipuna are Frank, Solomon, Edward, Francis, Hattie, Estella, Lily and Aliee. For more information, contact Anne Komatsu at 728-4401 or annekomatsu@hawaii.rr.com. Kaleohano — I am seeking information on Kaupu (k) married Luahine (w), William Puunoni Kaupu (k) married Louisa or Luuika Kaai, Edward Puunoni Kaupu (k) married Mary Keli'iawana Kapana (w), I wasn't able to retrieve information on births and loeahon of where the 'ohana had originally eome from. If anyone of the 'ohana has information please feel free to contact me. I am one of the 12 children of Sam Pua and Susan Leialoha Kaleohano. We are in theprocess of preparing a birthday and a family reunion for the immediate children of Susan Leialoha Kaleohano to be held on June 9, 2007, at the Punalu'u Pavillion. For information, eontact Helen P. Freitas, P.O. Box 911, Na'alehu, Hi 96772. 808-929-9715 or 808-323-2096 or helen@huimalamahawaii.com.

Kalima/Kauhane/Kahoopii — The 'ohana of Joseph Kalima, originally of Kaupō, Maui, and Libby Kamanohealii Kauhane Kalima, originally of Ewa, O'ahu, then both later from Hilo, Hawai'i, are planning an 'ohana reunion, lū'au, craft fair and fishing/horseshoe tournament in Hilo July 6-8, 2007. We would especially like to hear from our Kalima, Kahoopii, Kauawa, Kamakawahine, Kalei, Kauhane, Hao, Nake'u, Mahoe and Baker 'ohana. Please eontact Norman Kalima and/or Ka'anoi Kalima at 920-5001 or Kaui Makaneole Amantiad at 990-1634. To register or email your requests for info and/or updated genealogy, contact Willette at amantiad3@hawaiiantel.net. Kamai — We are planning a family reunion for all the 'ohana of Joseph Kanamu Kamai and Mary Kaihe, scheduled for Aug. 16-22, 2007, on O'ahu. The children of Mary and Joseph Kamai are Charlie Sr., Joseph Sr., Ezekiel Sr., Moroni and Louie Kamai. Please join our 'ohana in a week of fun-filled activities in Hau'ula at Kokololio Beach Park (old Kakela). For information, contact Teddy Kamai at 7795536 or 833-3161 or email teddy.kamai@us. army.mil. Karratti/BIake — The reunion for the family of Bonaparte Ulukou Karratti and Kealoha Blake will be held July 11-14, 2007, on Kaua'i. The children are Bonaparte Ulukou Jr., Myron Ulukou, Mary Kameeualani, Martha Leimakalehua, Anna Kaiwahine, Ernest Kalani, David Kealoha, Rose Puapikake, Euniee Alohilani, Lorraine Kuulei, James William "Kahakauwila," Lorita Kauanonoula, Herman Imaikalani, Joseph Naihealua, John Paulo, Eldon Allan Kupa and Irene Yrna Mapuana. We are trying to locate our 'ohana on the Kealoha Blake line. Visit the family website at reddirtroots.htohananet.com/kb%20website/ kbreunion_2007.htm. For information, eall Phyllis at 808-337-9927. Kauli'a/Kapinao — The descendants of Sam Kauli'a and Mary Kaiahua Kapinao (a.k.a. Pinao) of Ka'ū, Hawai'i, have been planning a large reunion in 2009 (the exact time and loeahon have yet to be determined). The ehildren of Sam and Mary include I (John), Puni, Mary, Abigail, Pukai or Keohopukai (Hannah), Pakanaka, Nawai and two hānai: Agnes and Peter ;Akimo. A steering eommihee has been formed, and it will meet regularly over the next year on eaeh of the four major islands. The next meeting will be on Kaua'i, Sat., July 7, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. There will be another meeting on Oct. 6 in Kona, Hawai'i Island, and one more in January 2008 on Maui. For updates, eall Ku'ualohanui Kauli'a at 358-4853 or email knlanuialoha@yahoo.com. Please write "reunion" in the subject of the email. Kawaakoa/Afoa Lutu — The children (Simanu, Wilson, Herman, Nelson, Paul, Dixie, Stanley and Elliot) of Annie Kawaakoa and Simanu Afoa are planning a large 'ohana reunion for the descendants of their dad's Samoan family. Since Simanu's parents (Simanualii Molio'o Afoafouvale Lutu and īa'alolo Leone) were from ;American Sāmoa (and he was the only child out of 12 that married a pure Hawaiian girl from Kīpahulu, Maui), the children of iAnnie and Simanu would like to weleome their Polynesian 'ohana to Hawai'i for a firsttime reunion. Simanu's siblings were Faaepa "Ana" Coen; Faasuka; Atapuai; Tafisi; Su'e su'e; Faatamali; Leata Asuega; Tafai; Iofi; Sofa and Sautia. This Hawaiian/Samoan 'ohana will be meeting on a monthly basis until the aehial

reunion event tentatively scheduled for July 21, 2007 in Nānākuli, Hawai'i. For more information, contact Kimo Kelii at 668-7650/696-0321; Iopu Fale Jr. or Leatonaugatuitoga Savini. Kawaauhau — Nā 'Ohana o Daniel Makia Kawaauhau a me Alikapeka Kailua'ana Kaliuna Reunion is set for July 5-8, 2007, and will be held at Hale Nānea, Maui. They have 13 children: Wahinenui Kawaauhau (w), Pahio Kawaauhau (k); Kahalepo Kawaauhau (k); Keliikuli Kawaauhau (k); Kahanapule Kawaauhau (k); Kapeliela Kawaauhau, married Lukia Kahae; Kaleikauea Kawaauhau (w), married David Kaalekahi Kulaiee; Kaulahao Kawaauhau (k), married Victoria Kuhia Kama; Paulo Kawaauhau (k), married Miriam Makeki; Makia Kawaauhau (k); Keknmu Kawaauhau (k), married Rose Loke Kuahuia; Philoena Kauka Kawaauhau (w), married to Kekahuna Paauhau; Frank Haaheo Kawaauhau (k), married to Mary Kaihe. We'd also like to include great-grandpa Daniel's two siblings Philip Kawaauhau (k) married to Kahela Kaaiwaiu and John Kawaauhau (k) married to Waiwaiole, whose known descendants are the Hubbell family. Contacts are Patrick and Mindy Kawaauhau on Maui, 244-8640; Kalani Hernandez on O'ahu, 696-6824; Diana Terukina, 885-7483 or email dterukina@aol.com; or Kloh-Anne Drummondo on the Big Island, 885-1091 or email kanoapono@aol.com. Aola Ke Sr. — The living survivors of Aola Ke Sr. will hold a family reunion on June 23, 2007, at Pahala Community Center in Ka'ū, Hawai'i, 9 a.m.-9:00 p.m. For more information, please contact Keamalu Waltjen at 808-928-8028 or write to P.O. Box 802, Pahala, Hi 96777 or email at keamalu@huimalamahawaii.com. Kepo'o — A reunion is being planned for the descendants of James Enos Kepo'o Jr., who is married to Helen Kahelemauna KealohapauoleWaipa and their 13 children. The reunion is scheduled for July 27-29, 2007, at Waimānalo Beach Park. For more information, contact Laveme (Lovey) Toki at 808-961-4988 or Wynster K. Foster at 808-689-4646, or email wfosterl @campus.hpu.edu. LoveII/HoIokahiki — We are planning a family reunion for the 'ohana of Joseph Lovell and Mary Holokahiki, scheduled for July 2007 on Kaua'i. The children of Joseph Lovell and Mary Holokahiki were Loika Lovell, John Lovell, William Lovell, Daniel Lovell and Jennie Kini Lovell. Please join our Kaua'i 'ohana in a week of fun-filled activities. For information, contact Kalei iArinaga at 822-0777 or email crak@hgea.net. Lu'uloa — Nā mo'opuna of Samuel Lu'uloa Sr. (bom Oct. 1, 1905, in Kaluaaha Moloka'i) are planning a family reunion for Aug. 30-Sept. 3, 2007, at Aunty Loraine Lu'uloa's residence in Kapa'akea, Moloka'i. His daughters are Elizabeth Chang of 'Aiea, O'ahu, and Aliee Smith of Ho'olehua, Moloka'i. His sons are Paul Lu'uloa of Moloka'i, Thomas Lu'uloa of Pearl City, O'ahu, Walter Lu'uloa of Nānākuli, O'ahu, and Henry Lu'uloa of Moloka'i. His mo'opuna are asking for all the family members to submit updated information on nam.es, addresses, phone numbers and e-mail, as well as pictnres. We are developing a family tree book for the reunion. Contact Sam or Liz Lu'uloa: P.O. Box 1516, Kaunakakai, HI 96748; home phone, 808-553-5787; eell, 808-294-8003, email, luuloa@hotmail.com. Mahelona — A family reunion is being planned

for the descendants of David Panila Mahelona and Esther Kanawaliwali Crabbe Mahelona. It will be held on July 19-21, 2007, on Maui. For information, eall Sheldon Biga at 808-276-2074. Makekau — A family reunion for the Makekau 'ohana will take plaee 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., July 14, 2007, at the Waikalua LDS Chapel in Kāne'ohe. The Makekau 'ohana consists of descendants of Keli'i-ma-ke-kau-o-Nu'uanu (1819-1907) and Meli Kahiwa Swinton (1823-1925) of Lahaina. For information, contact Norman Nakamoto at 671-6970 or Kahiwa Chung at 396-7796, or email Makekauohana@hotmail.com. Pali/Kalilikane — We are seeking the descendants of Lizzie Pali (born 1872) and her husband, George Miguel Kalilikane (born 1871), from Honua'ula, Maui. Together they had nine children: Annie (born 1889); Margaret (born 1890, married Manuel Soares ;Andrade); Edwin (born 1892, married Christina Bareuaba); Josephine (born 1894, married Manuel Gom.es Jr.); George (born 1897, married Mary Rezentes); Harry (born 1901, married Kaula Kaeo); Abby (born 1907); Violet (born 1908); and Edward (bom 1912, married Ellen Nakea). We would also like to invite to the reunion as our guests the descendants of the siblings of Elizabeth (Phillip, Adam, Lilia, Mary and Laura Pali) and George (Ana Piho and Luisa Kehalia). A large reunion is being planned for July 14, 2007, in Nānāknli, Hawai'i. To participate in the monthly 'ohana reunion meetings, contact Kaiawe Makanani at 351-9452 or by email at Kaiawe@gmail.com; David Kalilikane at 6680614; Keala Vasconcellos at 808-273-6330; Barbara Tachibana at 293-1399; or George Kalilikane at 524-4336. Piiloa Hale — Piiloa Hale, a Hawaiian church in the district of Kanaio, Maui, will celebrate its 100th anniversary on Sat., July 21, 2007. The restoration of Piiloa Hale took plaee 19781979 by the 'Ohana Kauaua, but more repairs are needed to this historic church, The 'Ohana Kauaua has family ties to Kanaio and Piiloa Hale that predate the Great Māhele. The event will consist of a service at the church, with luneheon and a program to follow in Kula. If you are interested in attending the anniversary celebration and/or making donations for the church restoration, contact John Kong Kee at 735-1111. Puhi — The fourth family reunion for the descendants of Kawaikinioho andNamakaokahai Puhi is scheduled for July 11-15, 2007, in Hilo, Hawai'i. David Kawaikinioho Puhi, bom July 12, 1846, Kohala, Hawai'i, married (Namakaokahai) Makahai, bom Sept. 8, 1856. They had four children: Henry Apaleo, Nellie Hookano, Moknohai and Margaret Mekepa. For more information about our upcoming ohana event, email Peaches (Calles) Maluo @ Pea chesCallesMaluo@myfamily.com or write to Peach.es at 171 Kuaha Plaee, Hilo, HI 96720. Rodrigues-Gaspar — A family reunion will be held for all thedescendants of Antonio Rodrigues Gaspar and first wife, Ha'aha'a Lukela, and second wife, Kalama (Anna Kalama). It will be held on Moloka'i, Aug. 31-Sept. 3, 2007. The exact loeahon will be announced later. For information, contactNanamae(Ziona) Puailihau at 808-567-6440 or email kizi@aloha.net; or Carolyn Rodrigues īakeuehi at 808-553-5441 or email ktakeuchi@mail.wave.hicv.net. ^