Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 6, 1 Iune 2007 — Poems for Pauahi [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Poems for Pauahi
ūz Stender TrustEE, At-largE
Aloha kākou. It is with great pride that I share more poems written by our Kamehameha Schools haumāna in Mr. Todd Takahashi's 9th and 10th grade speech communications classes. Mr. Takahashi shares that it is his hope that you will learn from these haumāna, as they have put to paper "truth" taken from their na'au. I want to thank all the haumāna for the love they express to our beloved Princess Pauahi. I also want to thank Mr. Takahashi for his vision and for his passion as he works with the young men and women of Kamehameha to perpetuate her memory as he presents He Makana no Pauahi. Pauahi Shayla Thompson Pauūhi, Your love for the keiki is the sun thot rises. It shines brighter ond brighter over Howoi'i bringing hoppiness. Pouohi, Your love for the Howoiion people is the wind. You eon feel it ond you know it's there but you con't see it. Pouohi, Your love for the 'oino is the Komehomehū Schools lt's big ond beoutiful with misty roins ond green mountoins. Pouohi, Your love for your legocy is knowledge possed down from generotions to generotions. It stonds strong ond it continues on. Pouohi, Pouohi, How groteful we ore for you.
Only Hawaiians Allowed Nathan Sunada From Leeword to Windword Howoi'i is odored. From North Shore to South Shore Howoi'i mokes you wont more. There is mueh beouty in this ploee But don't let them disgroce Our Princess' nome with onother court cose. And don't let them erose Our policy becouse of roce. The world is cold outside But they eon never toke our pride. So stond up ond soy it proud 'Couse ot Komehomeho Schools, Only Howūiions ollowed. Our Wonderful Founder Dyson Ho'oholi The founder of our school wos o wondeiful womon, who is Bernice Pouohi Bishop. She wos o loving person in oll kinds of woys. If it wosn't for this lody, I wouldn't be writing this poem, ond I thonk her for giving me All of the opportunities ond knowledge thot I hove. She is o person who I will never give up on becouse she never gove up on us. Thonk you, Pouohi, for everything thot you hove given me. Our Beloved Princess Joey Chon Our beloved Princess, How your dreoms just shine. Our beloved Princess, How your foresight wos not blind. Our beloved Princess, How hoppy you mode us be. Our beloved Princess, All I eon soy is thonk you for the gift from you to me. S