Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 24, Number 4, 1 April 2007 — Mana Hawaiʻi grand opening [ARTICLE]

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Mana Hawaiʻi grand opening

The much-anticipated opening of a hui of Hawaiian-oriented retailers at the new Beach Walk development in Waiklkī is set for Sat., April 21. The Mana Hawai'i joint venture will offer everything from books and island crafts to lomilomi massage, clothing, 'ukuleles and hula implements. Occupying a l,600-square-foot-space on the second floor of the Lewers Street shopping development, Mana Hawai'i will bring together several businesses with existing outlets elsewhere on O'ahu: Native Books/Nā Mea Hawai'i, The Lomi Shop Va'a, 'Ukulele House and the original Hawaiian Traders, a.k.a The Hula Supply Center. "Mana Hawai'i is mueh more than a store," Maile Meyer, managing partner of Native Books/Na Mea Hawai'i, told the Honoluhi Star-BuIIetin. "We offer access to the Hawaiian coimnunity for visitors who want to meet people and experience things that embody the true essence of Hawai'i. We want visitors to be able to celebrate Hawai'i on a deeper level and feel a connection to our home."

The Office of Hawaiian Affairs provided major funding for th^ venture in the form of grants, busm nesses loans and lease guarantees.« For more information, eall 597-8967.