Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 24, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 2007 — Page 22 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

dancers, and 'ohana eome together to talk, leam, and share about everything hula. Hulapiko.com. MORTGAGE LOAN OFFICERS training coming soon! Call 722-7505 to reserve your seating! NEED TO EXCHANGE ASAP DHHL turnkey house with lot in Kawaihae, 37,000 sq. ft. Prefer Waimānalo. 3 bedrooms/ 3 full bath, etc: OdettaWong, 381-4428. NEED A REALTOR? Fee Simple or Homestead properties. Call Charmaine 'Ilima Quilit (R) 2954474 / toll free 1-800-210-0221. Century 21 Realty Specialists. Email: charmainequilit@yahoo.com. PONCHO'S SOLAR SERVICE: Solar water heating contractor, utility rebates, tax credits, save money. HECO & MECO approved independent contractor, new systems, pool heating systems, repairs. Free esti-

The Offlce of Hawaiian Affairs Hawaiian Registry Program seeks to identify Native Hawaiians, verify indigenous Hawaiian ancestry and provide individuals an identification card. This personal I.D. card will enahle you to apply to programs of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and ean be helpful when applying for other programs and scholarships for Hawaiians in Hawai'i and abroad.