Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 24, Number 2, 1 February 2007 — Burial councils [ARTICLE]

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Burial councils

The Office of Hawaiian Affairs would like to maintain a roster of applicants who are interested in serving on the various Island Burial Councils, whieh assist the state's Historic Preservation Division in determining appropriate treatment of Native Hawaiian burial sites. Periodically, OHA submits a list of candidates to the governor for consideration for appointment to the councils. By statute, at least 20 percent of regional representatives are appointed from the list submitted by OHA. Representatives are appointed from various regions of eaeh island. Eaeh regional representative must: • Be a member of the Hawaiian community; • Possess an understanding of Hawaiian culture, history, customs, practices and, in particular, beliefs and practices relating to the care and protection of Native Hawaiian burials, ancestral remains and burial goods; • Not be simultaneously serv-

ing on another state board or commission. The Island Burial Councils have scheduled meetings onee eaeh month on their respective islands. All Council members are appointed by the governor and confirmed by the Senate for a four-year term. No eouneil member may serve more than two consecutive terms. All eouneil meetings are open to the puhlie. If you are interested in serving in this important capacity, eontact Apolei Kaha'i Bargamento in OHA's Native Rights, Land and Culture Division at 5941961, or email apoleib@oha. org, to request an application. OHA will maintain a list of interested applicants to submit to the governor for consideration as vacancies arise. Applications must be postmarked no later than Feb. 15.