Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 24, Number 1, 1 January 2007 — Page 18 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Now is the time for all indigenous Hawaiians to step forward and "kau inoa" - plaee your ' name - to have a say in the proeess of self- detennination. Today, the establishment of a new Native Hawaiian

government is on the horizon, and the first step is for all Hawaiians who wish to partieipate in the raising of our nation to offieially register their names through the Kau Inoa Hawaiiangovernanee enrolhnent effort. This proeess is already underway and is open to all indigenous Hawaiians, no matter what your age or where you live. Make your voiee heard. "Plaee your name" to build a strong Hawaiian nation. To register, or for more ■- i-r, ,pxl ■ ■■■ > ■ iii:. j information, contact: ■ 19 1 1 1 H ■ ■ I t I A Hawai'i Maoli |>/\U I N wA (808)394-0050 t» iiLm.ii n f4 n. i i ei n
