Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 12, 1 December 2006 — Let's all renew our commitment toward Hawaiians and Hawaiʻi [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Let's all renew our commitment toward Hawaiians and Hawaiʻi

As we embark on our renewed journey at the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, I would like to thank you for allowing me to serve my third term as trustee at-large. My re-election gives me one more opportunity to continue to serve our Hawaiian community. I would like to reiterate that those issues of greatest importance to me as we look to our future are education, housing, ceded lands, investments, culture and governance. My goals, I know, are ambitious, and I will hopefully be graded positively at the end

of my four-year term. I truly believe that OHA has traveled a long way in the last six years, and I feel it is a privilege to have been a part of the journey. Our relationships with one another and the larger community have improved mueh, and because of this, we have been better able to serve more of our beneficiaries. We do, however, have a long way to travel, and the journey must continue forward. I look to my next four years with excitement and determination. I am excited to be a part of a board that wants the very best for our Hawaiian beneficiaries, and I am determined to work hard at moving us forward and upward. You have my commitment to do the very best I ean for the betterment of the lives of our people. With the help of Ke Akua and all of you, we ean do this. Please join me in working toward a better plaee in Hawai'i for Hawaiians. I mua!

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