Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 2006 — Ordinary people doing EXTRA-ordinary things [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Ordinary people doing EXTRA-ordinary things
Haunani Apnlinna. MSW Chairpersūn, TrustEE, At-large
Aloha e nā 'ōiwi 'ōlino, mai Hawai'i a Ni'ihau, a puni ke ao mālamalama. Eia ka hopena o ka makahiki a ua maika'i ka hana a kākou. I have a few more areas of information and comment to share as we near the eompletion of 2006. 1 reported last time on the September grant awards and want to share the Oetober 5 grant award approvals by the OHA Board of Trustees. They include: • $51,207 to the University of Hawai'i - Mānoa, School of Social Work to support planning for the 2007 Conference "Indigenous Voices in Social Work: Not Lost in Translation," a conference for indigenous social workers; • $96,360 to the Wai'anae Coast Coalition for use by the Wai'anae Coast Family Center for service to Native Hawaiian families; • $68,060 to the Polynesian Voyaging Society to support production of a written and videotaped documentation of "Hōkūle'a: Her First 30 Years"; • $100,000 to the Institute for Iluman Services to support services to Native Hawaiian men, women and families offered through this emergency shelter; • $100,000 to the Hawai'i Family Law Clinic to assist Native Hawaiian victims seeking protective court orders through the center's domestic violence program; • $100,000 to Catholic Charities Hawai'i and their social ministry to assist Native Hawaiian homeless families on the Wai'anae coast through the Mā'ili Land Transitional Housing Program; and, • $100,000 to Ke Aupuni Lōkahi, ine. to support their capacity-building in the area of conununity development and establishment of the Moloka'i Land Trust. In addition, administrative grants were approved for: • $21,775 to 'Aha Pūnana Leo to support development of books in the Hawaiian language for classroom instruction; • $24,950 to Environment Hawai'i for production and publication of its monthly newsletter on environmental issues; • $22,380 to Hawai'i Maoli on behalf
of the Ko'olaupoko Hawaiian Civic Club to assist in organizational capacity and membership outreach; $20,000 to Kahiau: A Tennis Foundation to support an after-school program for Native Hawaiian youth in Wai'anae and Waimānalo; • $24,995 to Kula No Nā Po'e Hawai'i to support a needs assessment of heahh needs and issues for kūpuna in Papakōlea; • $24,500 to the Native Hawaiian SelfSufficiency Institute to support a woodcarving cultural education program for Hawaiian students; • $24,850 to the PA'I Foundation on behalf of the 'īlio'ulaokalani Coalition to support a Native Hawaiian Voter Registration Drive; • $24,906 to Special 01ympics Hawai'i to support Native Hawaiian participants in the statewide competition; and, • $24,900 to the Young Women's Christian Association of O'ahu to support planning for a Kōkōkahi Cultural Center. Ordinary people doing EXTRA-ordinary things. I also want to say mahalo to the Hawaiian Inter-Club Council of Southern California (HICCSC) who at their 'aha in Carson, California, last Ianuary conunitted to convening three additional 'aha before the end of 2006 in order to bring information on Kau Inoa registration, the status of Native Hawaiian programs and issues impacting entities such as Kamehameha Schools and the Pacific American Foundation to Native Hawaiians in the surrounding areas, as well as to educate non-natives. HICCSC convened 'aha No. 2 in late spring in San Diego, 'aha No. 3 in late summer in Oxnard, and completed 'aha No. 4 in November at the University of California at Riverside. The organizational and eommunity leadership of HICCSC and the network of Native Hawaiians established as a result of these 'aha to outreach to Hawaiian families will serve as a strong energy for the work ahead in 2007. Their focus is reaching out to the 60,000-plus Native Hawaiians in California who identified themselves in Census 2000. We look forward to their results. No laila, a safe and blessed holiday season to you all. 2007 will be the year to clarify our values as Native Hawaiians, a year to focus our poliheal will as Native Hawaiians, and a year for disciplined action as Native Hawaiians. 'O ke Akua pu me kākou pākahi. 25/48 m