Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 12, 1 December 2006 — Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
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This is the story of Kamehameha Schools from its beginnings, told from the inside as it tells the story of Oz Stender's vision and heroism. Kamehameha should not be one type of school with one type of goal for whieh many Hawaiian children will not qualify. Ninety percent heeome lost generations. We need to work in partnership with puhlie and private agencies...the State will never be in a position to fully fund puhlie education and all its associated needs. I Establish charter schools in neighborhoods that have the most need; those not of Hawaiian ancestry would also benefit from
the princess legacy. written by T . , „ , Make scholarships available to attend 1. Arthur Rath , , , , , , , , schoois other than those soieiy run by published by Kamehameha. University of Hawai'i Press — Oswala Stenaer, pages 151—152 and 328 ■ S Available at your favorite bookstore