Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 2006 — Page 18 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
email: kwū@ŪHA.ūrg websites: www,ŪHA.ūrg www.NetiveHeweiieūs.ūūm Clyde W. Nāmu'o Admiūistretar Manu Boyd Pūbliū lūfūrmetiūū Direūtar Derek Ferrar Pūbliū lūfūrmatiūū SpEūialist Miehael McDonald Pūbliūatiūūs Speūialist/Art DirEūtar 'Aukai Reynolds Mūdia Prūdūūtiūū SpEūialist/WEbmastEr Sterling Kini Wong Pūbliūatiūns Editar John Matsuzaki Pradūūtiūū Speūialist Francine Murray Plū S ū p p d rt Assistant Charles ūgata VūlūntEEr HŪNŪLULU 711 Kapi'nlani Blvd ., Ste. 5DD HŪŪŪIŪIŪ, Hl ŪGBI3 Phnne: BDB.5Ū4.IBBB Fax: BDB.5B4.IBB5 EAST HAWAI'I (HILŪ) IG2-A BakEr Avenne Hiln, Hl BG72D PhūūE: BDB.B2D.G4IB Fax: BDB.B2D.G42I WEST HAWAI'I (KŪNA) 75-57DG Hanama Pl„ Ste. ID7 Kailna-Kūna, Hl BG74D Phnne: BDB.32B.73GB Fax: BDB.32G.7B2B MŪLŪKA'I / LĀNA'I Kūlana 'Ūiwi P.Ū. Bnx 1717 Kannakakai, Hl BG74B Phnne: BDB.5GD.3GII Fax: BDB.5GD.3BGB KAUA'I / NI'IHAU 3-3IŪŪ Knhiū Hwy„ Ste. C4 Lihn'e, Hl BG7GG-II53 Phnne: BDB.24I.33BD Fax: BDB.24I.35DB MAUI I4D Hn'nhana St„ Ste. 2DG Kahnlūi, Hl 36732 Phnne: BDB.243.52I3 Fax: BDB.243.5DI6 WASHINGTDN, D.C. I3DI Cūnneūtiūūt Ave. NW, Ste.2DD Washingtnn, D.C. 2 DD 3 6 Phnne: 2D2.72I.I3BB Fax: 2D2.466.7737 Notice to Readers Ka Wai Ola o OHA will accept for consicleration news releases anel letters to the eel itor on topics of relevance anel interest to OHA anel Hawaiians, as well as special events anel reunion notices. Ka Wai O/a o OHA resetves the riahtto eclit all material for length anel content, ornot to publish as available space or otner consiclerations may require. Ka Wai O/a o OHA cloes not accept unsolicitecl manuscripts. Deaclline for submissions is the 1 5th clay of every month. Late submissions are consiclerecl only on a space-available basis. ©2006 Office of Hawaiian Affairs. All rights resen/ecl.