Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 2006 — HOʻOHUI ʻOHANA FAMILY REUNIONS [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


E nā 'ohana Hawai'i: lf you are planning a reunion or looking for genealogical information, Ka Wai Ola will print your listing at no charge on a space-available basis. Listings should not exceed 200 words. OHA reserves the right to edit all submissions for length. Send your information by mail, or e-mail kwo@OHA.org. E ola nā mamo a Hāloal

Aweau — We are continuing the efforts of Larry Aweau and Larry Agres of searching for descendants of the Aweau family. Our current copy contains more than 1.200 names and starts with the marriage of Aweau (born 1810) and Kelupainahaole (born 1812). Other notable surnames in the tree are Padeken, Nalaielua, Hong Tong. Ku. Loloiele, Aipia, Kawai and Hoopii. Musicians Nathan Aweau and Dennis Kamakahi ean trace their heritage to this tree. Please visit www. freewebs.com/pikonipottery to view the Aweau photo pages. Hopefully you ean identify someone in the "Who are They" pages. To share your lamily's data or for more information, contact Larry Franquez at 395-7842 or pikonipottery@hawaiiantel.net. Brown — In preparation for the 2007 reunion of the John and Benjamin Brown 'ohana of Hilo, Hawai'i, the Hilo 'ohana is asking for all family members to update their contact information or share contact information about other family members. We are also asking members to update records of births, deaths and marriages. The family will be holding its reunion in Hilo from June 29-July 1. 2007. The 'ohana includes the descendents of William Christopher Brown, Enoeh Brown, Violet Nathaniel, Mealoha Anakalea, Benjamin "Tuna" Brown, Keala Kuamo'o, Valentine Brown, Manoa Brown and Maria Hendershot. A newsletter is forthcoming. For information, email Wilma Kuamo'o at hbohana@hawaii.rr.com, or Teri Temple at terisetemple@msn.com. Johnson/La'amaikahikiwahine — We are looking for the descendents of Ambrose Peter Johnson and his wife La'amaikahikiwahine and their children John, Enoeh, Anna Kahiku, Daniel, Lilia, Mele, Antone and Pedro. Surnames in this family include, but are not limited to: Foster, Young, Stanton, Char, Kealoha, Niau, Ferreira, Janicki, Mendiola, Bartholomew, Williams, Calvert and Apio. A reunion of the Johnson 'ohana is being planned for 2008. For information, contact Roz Solomon Kaplan at P.O. Box 1291, Ha'ikū, HI 96708, or by email at Hawnrozz@msn.com. Kaaa — The Kaaa 'ohana is planning a family reunion for August 2007. It will be a potluck affair. Genealogy books, T-shirts and tank tops will be on sale. Flyers will be sent out, and we need to update addresses and family information. Contact Jeanne Kahanaoi at 696-5002. Kaeo — We are looking for relatives of Henry Namakeha Kaeo, who was born in Kona. His father was

Peter Kaeo, and his mother was Pale, whose maiden name was Naohe. Joshua Kaeo was a relative. Isabell Kaui Kaeo, whose maiden name was Pio, was born in Honolulu. Her father was Pio Anekonio, and her mother was Maria Kunane. If you are related or have any information about them, eall Bella at 222-1619. I am doing our genealogy. Or eall Tiffany at 8644945 or 674-9477. Kaai/Kanaiwa — I am seeking any information on the Kaai/Kanaiwa 'ohana. I have not been able to find information on Helen Maria Kanaiwa Kaai, who was born around 1829 in Honokalani, Maui. She had two sisters that I know of: Iona and Ida. She was married to Abraham Apelakama Mahukona, had four children and died on Oct. 28, 1923. If you have any information on the Kaai/Kanaiwa 'ohana, please eontact Keola Chan at 255-6200; email Keola@Moku01aHawaii.com; or write to 7192 Kalaniana'ole Hwy. Ste. D201, Honolulu, HI 96825. Kahanaoi/Pomaikai — The Kahanaoi/Pomaikai 'ohana is planning a family reunion for March 2007. It will be a potluck affair. Genealogy books, T-shirts and tank tops will be on sale. Flyers will be sent out, and we need to update addresses and family information. Contact Jeanne Kahanaoi at 696-5002. Kainoapuka — A reunion is being planned for the descendants of Kainoa puka and LHia Ka ' ae , and their children : Kaholoiki (Niho Kaoao), Manunui (Kahihiaholaniku aka Hali Nuuhiwa), Iokia, Malakinui (Punihula), Manuiki and Kakae (Kala). Otherfamily names include Kaholoiki, Kalawahaokli, Kawehinenohopali, Ka'iliau, Pakana, Kawehiwa Kilauano, Kali'iho'opi'i, Keanuenue, Kahalepahu, Kaonohiula, Kawailani, Hikiauola (Manu), Alohakeau, Kaimiola(aka Halili'ili'i, Kaimiola and Keahilaahonua. The reunion is scheduled for May 2427, 2007 at the Kekaha Neighbor Center on Kaua'i. For more information, contact Kunane Aipoalani at 808-337-1219 (home) or 808-639-4292 (eell) or visit the family website at www.kainoapuka.com or email webmaster@kainoapuka.com. Karratti/Blake — Bonaparte Ulukou Karratti and Kealoha Blake will hold a reunion July 1 1-14, 2007, on Kaua'i. Visit the family website at mysite. verizon.net/resrv9me/karrattiblakereunion/index.html. For information, eall Phyllis at 337-9927. Kawaauhau — Nā 'Ohana o Daniel Makia Kawaauhau a me Alikapeka

Kailua'ana Kaliuna Reunion is set for July 5-8, 2007, and will be held at Hale Nānea, Maui. They have 13 children: Wahinenui Kawaauhau (w), Pahio Kawaauhau (k); Kahalepo Kawaauhau (k); Keliikuli Kawaauhau (k); Kahanapule Kawaauhau (k); Kapeliela Kawaauhau, married Lukia Kahae; Kaleikauea Kawaauhau (w), married David Kaalekahi Kulaiee; Kaulahao Kawaauhau (k), married Victoria Kuhia Kama; Paulo Kawaauhau (k), married Miriam Makeki; Makia Kawaauhau (k); Kekumu Kawaauhau (k), married Rose Loke Kuahuia; Philoena Kauka Kawaauhau (w), married to Kekahuna Paauhau; Frank Haaheo Kawaauhau (k), married to Mary Kaihe. We'd also like to include great-grandpa Daniel's two siblings Philip Kawaauhau (k) married to Kahela Kaaiwaiu and John Kawaauhau (k) married to Waiwaiole, whose known descendants are the Hubbell family. Contacts are Patrick and Mindy Kawaauhau on Maui, 2448640; Kalani Hernandez on O'ahu, 696-6824; Diana Terukina, 885-7483 or email dterukina@aol.com; or KlohAnne Drummondo on the Big Island, 885-1091 or email kanoapono@aol. eom. Koko/Kaholo — I am seeking information on the Koko and Kaholo 'ohana. I have not been able to find information on John Kahai Koko and Josephine Kaholo, who were both born around 1829 in Hāna, Maui. They were married and had four children together. If you have any information on these two people, please eontact Keola Chan at 255-6200; email to Keola@Moku01aHawaii.com; or write to 7192 Kalaniana'ole Hwy. Ste. D201, Honolulu, HI 96825. Lovell/Holokahiki — We are planning a family reunion for the 'ohana of Joseph Lovell and Mary Holokahiki, scheduled for July 2007 on Kaua'i. The children of Joseph Lovell and Mary Holokahiki were Loika Lovell, John Lovell, William Lovell, Daniel Lovell and Jennie Kini Lovell. Please join our Kaua'i 'ohana in a week of fun-filled activities. For information, contact Kalei Arinaga at 822-0777 or email crak@hgea.net. Lu'uloa — Nā mo'opuna of Samuel Lu'uloa Sr. (born Oct. 1, 1905, in Kaluaaha Moloka'i) are planning a family reunion for Aug. 30-Sept. 3, 2007, at Aunty Loraine Lu'uloa's residence in Kapa'akea, Moloka'i. His daughters are Elizabeth Chang of 'Aiea, O'ahu, and Aliee Smith of Ho'olehua, Moloka'i. His sons are Paul Lu'uloa of Moloka'i, Thomas Lu'uloa of Pearl City, O'ahu, Walter Lu'uloa of Nānākuli, O'ahu, and

Henry Lu'uloa of Moloka'i. His mo'opuna are asking for all the family members to submit updated information on names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mail, as well as pictures. We are developing a family tree book for the reunion. Contact Sam or Liz Lu'uloa: P.O. Box 1516, Kaunakakai, HI 96748; home phone, 808-553-5787; eell, 808-294-8003, e-mail, luuloa@hotmail.com. Mahelona — A family reunion is being planned for the descendants of David Panila Mahelona and Esther Kanawaliwali Crabbe Mahelona. It will be held on July 19-21, 2007, on Maui. For information, eall Sheldon Biga at 808-276-2074. Mamala-Mali'ikapu and LouisMakaalu — I am looking for the Mamala-Maliikapu 'ohana and the Louis-Makaalu 'ohana. My paternal grandfather, Charles Kaena Mamala, was born in Waimea, Kaua'i, and his parents were Paoa and Akalaina. We are looking for the siblings of Akalaina Mamala. My paternal grandmother, Lily Wahinekapu Maliikapu Mamala, was born in Waihe'e, Maui, to Charley Maliikapu and Lily Wahinekapu Kai'o. We are looking for her siblings and the siblings of both parents. My maternal grandfather was Antone Kaonohiokala Louis Jr. His father was Antone K. Louis Sr., also known as "Akoniliilii," who was born in Honolulu and resided in the Liliha area. His mother was Sarah Agnes Makaalu, also known as Aunty Mokulani, who was born in Waipi'o Valley, Big Island, where her lamily was from. I am looking for information on my grandfather's siblings and his parents' siblings. Our lāmily names are: Mamala, Maliikapu, Kai'o, Kuwehie, Kaehuaea, Louis and Makaalu. If you have any information, contact me at Poni Wolfe. P.O. Box 19031 Honolulu, HI 96817, email poniwolfe@yahoo.com or eall me at 375-5278. Two separate reunions are in the planning stage for next year. Nakiaha, Hanalei — The son of Hanalei Nakiaha seeks contact. Hanalei's son Ryan Nix is 32 years old and was born in Hawaii. Please email Lorie Walther at hearnlorie@aol.com. Noreen Arnold — We are seeking any information on Noreen Arnold, who was the daughter of Charles Amold, mayor of Honolulu in the late 1920s. She was an unwed mother in 1946 and was required to put her child up for adoption. We have a picture of her as a poster model at a kama'āina establishment known as "Kau-Kau Corner." The information she provided to the social worker on the biological father

of child was recorded. Both Noreen and the biological father were of Hawaiian and Caucasian descent. Noreen was last known to have moved to California, perhaps the Hollywood-area, in the late 1940s or early 1950s. Noreen would be about 75 to 77 years old today. Perhaps she is still living, and could give us a eall. Or if any of her friends or family have information, we would surely like to hear from them soon. Call Keanukai at 808-349-7509. Pali/Kalilikane — We are seeking the descendants of Lizzie Pali (born 1872) and her husband, George Miguel Kalilikane (bom 1871), from Honua'ula, Maui. Together they had nine children: Annie (born 1889); Margaret (born 1890, married Manuel Soares Andrade); Edwin (born 1892, married Christina Bareuaba); Josephine (born 1894, married Manuel Gomes Jr. ) ; George (born 1897, married Mary Rezentes); Harry (born 1901, married Kaula Kaeo); Abby (born 1907); Violet (born 1908); and Edward (born 1912, married Ellen Nakea). We would also like to invite to the reunion as our guests the descendants of the siblings of Elizabeth (Phillip, Adam, Lilia, Mary and Laura Pali) and George (Ana Piho and Luisa Kehalia). A large reunion is being planned for July 14, 2007, in Nānākuli, Hawai'i. To participate in the monthly 'ohana reunion meetings, contact Kaiawe Makanani at 351-9452 or by email at Kaiawe@gmail.com; David Kalilikane at 668-0614; Keala Vasconcellos at 808-273-6330; Barbara Tachibana at 293-1399; or George Kalilikane at 524-4336. Puhi - The fourth family reunion for the descendants of Kawaikinioho and Namakaokahai Puhi is scheduled for July 11-15, 2007, in Hilo, Hawai'i. David Kawaikinioho Puhi, born July 12, 1846, Kohala, Hawai'i, married (Namakaokahai) Makahai, bom Sept. 8, 1856. They had four children: Henry Apaleo, Nellie Hookano, Mokuohai and Margaret Mekepa. For more information about our upcoming ohana event, email Peaches (Calles) Maluo @ Pe achesCallesMaluo@myfamily.com or write to Peaches at 171 Kuaha Plaee, Hilo, HI 96720. Rodrigues-Gaspar — A family reunion will be held for all the descendants of Antonio Rodrigues Gaspar and first wife, Ha'aha'a Lukela, and second wife, Kalama (Anna Kalama). It will be held on Moloka'i, Aug. 31-Sept. 3, 2007. The exact loeahon will be announced later. For information, contact Nanamae (Ziona) Puailihau at 808-567-6440 or email kizi@aloha.net; or Carolyn Rodrigues īakeuehi at 808-553-5441 or email ktakeuchi @ mail.wave.hicv.net. m