Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 10, 1 October 2006 — Page 24 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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^HIHk *\ \ \ ' -A_iJtit '-^k jjm Pnft J I \ -- -. AA v /TO 1 f ii^i% > ^ i 5Fn^Tk / iBB ' 7 i ■ '^^■A '™™' UT _w a f ■■^ Mi^ an \ TH ifit B i !n/tf w L Vy// flp^p - - 1 ^9**63 , *3 V '"* '" «• " : Zj. n* \ . m . ■„ r , w / li W |L . jl ■u_'^HI j[^^^HB[ijJPjBKi ii | Hf 9I^Afl^^V^^V

w&EĒmīm IPel^m^l /Ē&3 Kamehiimeha pnescho»U are accepting applfcatians for the 2GŪ72003 school yeai; Kamehameha offers programs for three-year-old* at selected site&, and programs for four-year-olds in all areas. 0"AHU Howlulu (Hewai'i Kai to Peail City) 3 £ 4-y«T-oi<Js Ko'olaupoko (WaimāmLo to KaiLoe) 3 S* 4-year-oLds Ko'olaaioa (Kāne'ohe lo Waimea 6ay) 3 S* 4-year-oLds WaiaLue (Wainwa Qay to Ka'ew Pt.r MiliLani & Wehiawā) 3 5 4-yeiT-oLds Waī'anae CwH (Waipehu to Hākaha) 3 S 4-year-oLds HAWAI'I East Hawei'i (ell of E«st Hawei'i) 3 i 4-y«T-oLds West Hawai'i (KoKala/Weimee īo Hōnaunan) 3 1 4-y«T-oLdi KAOI PauliūkaLo (aLI Maul e*«flt for Hina) 3 1 4-year-oLds Hāna (Ke'awe to Kahikinui) 3 1 <-yeaT-oldi KAUIA1 3 1 4-yenT-oLdl MŪLŪKAl 4-ye*r-0lds

Applieaīiona will be available: Octofoer 1 5 APPLICATION DEADLINE: January 31, 20O7 For applicatiūr»fi ul( £42-1100 on Ū'ahu or 1 -100- £42-1 MJA xfil0Ū hūm 1hē neighbor istands. For preschūot infūrmatīūn eaLL 142-131? on Ū'ahu or 1-100-142-1 MLlA iilll? from the neighbor islands. F1nandal Aid is avaiLabLe. K.imehomeha is a nonHēnominaīional Pmtestant thristian schooL.

© Kaviekameha Sc:hools W an arfr«i'jsi'eiij 4 to pn* j)i*^(r nt» ra opprkDnti of ttt*rarini ■sntcrf']r iu lAe e"r?rr pe'mi'WeU ty fcit ApptkdnCi wliu rt-ij.li ii> |>r Loniklm) unilo Ihil pulkv -uU. h«n lhtir Hjiyj-īj--. ineein^ Kenlieil b/ ū' ku'ou.u H a* iii»n 0j|j eenw. Foi inhnnuUMi UU (108) 121-4221 tt t-Bt»-«C2-JieS2. p:ri\ 9. 1f(n ibīī6. Dr viwt mm.kitK.(ikj/djlAcnl(r.