Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 10, 1 October 2006 — Lānaʻi Archaeological Committee [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Lānaʻi Archaeological Committee
The Lāna'i Archaeological Committee (LAC) was formed in 1987 as a result of a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) reached between Lanaians for Sensible Growth and the Lāna'i Company regarding the "cultural and archaeological concerns related to the Shoreline Management Area and development at Hulopo'e and Mānele Bays on the island of Lāna'i." Signatories to the MOA include Lanaians for Sensible Growth, Hui Mālama Pono O Lāna'i, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, State Historic Preservation Office, and Castle and Cooke, LLC. Over the years, the committee has been involved in making recommendations on general mitigation for all significant sites within the project district, in addition to decisions regarding site preservation, interpretation, data recovery, access to the traditional trail and the treatment/ protection of burials uncovered during development. The LAC is "responsible for developing a preservation and interpretation plan concerning the designation, long-term maintenance and management of preserved features." Projects that have been completed over the last 19 years include the Kō'ele Ranch Oral History Project, a two volume set detailing the experiences of families and individuals who lived at Keōmuku and Kō'ele Ranch and a video project entitled Reflections of Lāna'i. The LAC recently contracted Kumu Pono Associates to assist with the development of a study and educational programs to outline preservation practices and foster community-based stewardship. Since March, the LAC has focused its efforts on fulfilling the original items outlined in the MOA. Kumu Pono Associates is currently working on expanding the oral history project through intensive interviews with "kūpuna and kama'āina who have generational ties to Lāna'i and who demonstrate continuity in knowledge of the land, resources, practices and
beliefs." Their work also includes eonducting "background research and review of published and manuscript references in English and Hawaiian documenting native Hawaiian beliefs, customs, practices, eulture and resources on the island." Perhaps the most exciting development has been the transformation of the Lāna'i Culture Center from a room with many interesting but eclectic exhibits into a center that thoughtfully and sensitively shares the history of Lāna'i through the years from pre-contact to plantation days. The Keneh (Emory) eolleehon on loan from Bishop Museum has been relocated from the Mānele Conference Center to a temporary home in the old Dole Administration Building. Recent discussions with Castle & Cooke have reaffirmed the company's commitment to the development of a museum-quality facility that will provide a permanent home where our island's story ean be told. The LAC is also involved in ongoing projects that include the building of rock walls around identified preserves within the Kapiha'a district. These walls will allow for the preservation of several significant archaeological sites. Improvement of the fisherman's trail within the project area will provide access to fishermen and hikers while preserving the open view planes along the coastline throughout the project district. Continuing talks and community discussions are allowing the LAC to move forward on the construction of a hālau or lānai wa'a to be located on the beach at Hulopo'e. This structure will provide shelter for several canoes from Hui Wa'a O Lāna'i, and a gathering plaee for community activities. Plans also eall for the construction of a large shed in the park to provide additional storage and a workplace for repairs, as well as a large covered area for workshops and other community events. As things are finally moving forward, we would be remiss not to recognize the many partnerships that have helped the LAC to renew and re-focus our efforts. Partnerships with Lanaians for Sensible Growth, Hui Mālama Pono O Lāna'i, Laulima Kūha'o, the Lāna'i Institute for the Environment (LIFE), OHA, and Castle & Cooke prove that there is strength and success in unity. E
Cūlette Y. Machadū Trustee, Malaka'i and Lāna'i