Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 2006 — Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
walter Meheula heen /1 lifetime ofpublic sei vice to the people ofHawaii: • Territorial and State Representative (1958-1964) • State Senator (1966-1968) • City Councilmember and Chair (1969-1972) • State Trial Judge (1972-1978) • U.S. Attorney (1978-1980) • U. S. District Court Judge (1981) • State Appellate Judge (1982-1994)
Judge Heen also served as OHA's lead counsel in the Waiahole Water Administrative Hearing (1996), advisor to the Native Hawaiian Advisory Council, past president of the Honolulu Hawaiian Civic Club, interim director of the Office of Mauna Kea Management (2000-2002), and president of Na 'Aahuhiwa (Assoc. of Retired Hawaiian Judges, 2004-present). He has been awarded OHA's Lei Hulu Mamo Award. Walter Meheula Heen is a man of reason who will help us movebeyondmererhetoric.His30yearsofexperience in public affairs and government will benefit OHA's Board of Trustees as it deliberates present and proposed programs and the formation of an independent government entity to speak on behalf of Native Hawaiians. His wise counsel will not only benef it Native Hawaiians, but all of Hawai i's people.
Paidfor by Heenfor OHA Committee, 949Kapiolani Blvd.#101, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96814