Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 10, 1 October 2006 — Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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On November 7 , all voters in Hawai'i have the opportunity to select those who will serve the community as leaders of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. I ask for your vote of confidence to represent a proud and honorable lāhui - the indigenous people of Hawai'i nei - as an at-large OHA trustee. Solid leadership with intellect and aloha is key to our future success. I bring to the table extensive community leadership backgroundr as well as 14 years of agency experience in communications and managementr along with Hawaiian language and cultural expertise. As the poetic phrase above suggestsr I am prepared to move forward with you based on strong support from friendsr family and community. Let's do this together. Awesome opportunities are at hand to work together to make Hawai'i an even better plaee for all 'ōiwi, kama'āina and malihini alike. I am ready to listenr learn and lead. /• \/('/id />i(Mc/irt/ui . . . A w

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