Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 9, 1 September 2006 — Hawaiʻi politics [ARTICLE]

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Hawaiʻi politics

This is in response to Rowena Akana's article concerning the Akaka Bill and it's "supporters." We recently moved back to Hawai'i after a long (40 years) stay on the mainland. Aside from yearly visits with our 'ohana, we basically saw our loving islands through theeyes of visitors. We now see things quite differently. Wow, when did all this happen? Who are these people in office making decisions for Native Hawaiians? We have a governor who "seems" to be making the rightmoves, but is she really? The jury is still out for me. I've been watching politics from another view for the past 40 years with the same results. Everyone jumps onto the bandwagon of some politician because they seem to be doing what we feel is the "right thing." Please everyone, take a step back and think before casting your votes this coming election. This election, I believe, will dictate how we progress as a people within this poliheal system. Believe me, we are different from all other states, and those "newcomers" who think there's some "racist" ideas being thrown around are just out of touch with the true heart of Hawai'i. I am part Hawaiian and don't physically need anything from the state or federal governments. However, I need our Native Hawaiian culture protected (whieh includes people) from what seems to be eroding it daily. Ilill Helm Via the lnternet