Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 9, 1 September 2006 — Asked at the Waimea Valley rededicaition ceremony on Aug. 12: [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Asked at the Waimea Valley rededicaition ceremony on Aug. 12:

What do you think of OHA's recent conservation purchases of Waimea Valley and Wao Kele o Puna rainforest?

I'm so happy to see that OHA is starting to acquire lands that will benefit our native people. It's very important. I truly believe that a plaee like Waimea will not prosper unless the cultural part of the valley is run or cared for by Hawaiians. This could be a world-class educational center for everyone. - Colleen "Cncn" Leong, Hele'iwe

I think it's a move in the right direction. As the people who have been here for generations and have created a culture to help manage and steward the lands and resources here, we need to continue that tradition. I think we need to look to our past and take the kuleana that was gifted us, and we need to carry that on for future generations. — Kalā Hon, Hnkipu'u I think it is great. OHA should have bought Waimea a long time ago. We struggled over the years, and there have been disappointments, especially when one of the landowners wanted to turn Waimea into an adventure park. This valley is special ' to me, and I'm glad that it has been saved. -D. Kanani Awni, Hnln'iwn

I think it's important that more of our lands return into our hands. I think Waimea has been exploited over the years, neglected and forgotten. With the development arguments down the road, I think it's important that the people of Hawai'i, not just O'ahu, look at an area like this as something that we must keep pristine. — Kainaa ūela Cruz, Honolulu