Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2006 — ʻŌiwi are everywhere [ARTICLE]
ʻŌiwi are everywhere
This is in response to Kalani Hackett's letter ( KWO July). Contrary to popular belief, there are many Hawaiians living on the mainland who are actively aware and engaged in not just issues that face us as Native Hawaiians, but also in the perpetuation and eonhnuahon of our native culture. It's ignorant and narrow-minded to think that because we may not live on our one hānau, we are therefore less aware, less concerned or less affected than those of us who may still reside in Hawai'i. If it affects a Native Hawaiian, it affects us all. Another huge misconception is that everyone who has left the islands has done so for ānaneial reasons. My 'ohana and I had no ehoiee but to move away due to health concerns of our daughter. We anxiously wait for the day when we ean move back home and have her raised among nā iwi kūpuna and to have her be constantly fed emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically by the lands of our birth. But until that day, we choose to be actively conunitted to the growth of our people and our culture in all aspects, regardless of where our people may reside. My 'ohana and I are deeply committed to our people, and as a people we are not defined or limited by our geographical location. We are 'ōiwi everywhere. E ho'omau i ke ala o nā kūpuna īina Kalaukapu Cabiles-Carden Via the lnternet