Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 8, 1 August 2006 — Blood quantum [ARTICLE]

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Blood quantum

Please, a warning to my fellow Kanaka Maolis: eheek your birth certificates and make sure they show the correct amount of your Hawaiian bloodline. I am a full-time student at Maui Conununity College. To get a scholarship from Kamehameha

Schools, I need my birth certificate, as well as my mother's and my tūtū's. My mother is pure Hawaiian, from the royal line of Keōpūolani; my father is Filipino, Chinese and Spanish. When I ordered my birth certificate about six months ago, I found out that it shows that my mother is half Hawaiian and half Filipino. I have been on the Hawaiian Homes list for over 10 years. I had all my documents showing that she is pure Hawaiian through my grandparents, both of whom are also pure Hawaiian. My half Hawaiian is the only hope for my 'ohana and I to get on the 'āina that is rightfully my ancestors. I have not heard any response from the state concerning any information on the birth certificates of my mother and tūtū for the past six months. The state is saying that because of the back work, it may take a year, maybe two or even more, before they have any response. It has already cost me $90 to get a fast response from the state, and I am still waiting Is there another way for the state to lessen the blood quantum requirement? If I cannot correct this wrongful certificate before I die, then our generations will die with the written laws of man. Lehuanani Aquino Lahaina, Maui