Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2006 — Page 24 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
An opportunity awaits. . . Through her will, Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop sought to ensure an education for Hawai'i's children. In keeping with Pauahi's wishes, and legacy, Kamehameha Schools gives preference to admissions and fīnancial aid applicants of Hawaiian ancestry to the extent permitted by law. To be considered under the preference policy, applicants must verify their Hawaiian ancestry with the Kamehameha Schools Ho'oulu Hawaiian Data Center*. Completing the ancestry verifīcation process includes completing an offīcial Hawaiian Ancestry Registry (HAR) form and submitting birth certifīcates and other appropriate documents. Hawaiian ancestry verifīcation is a separate process from program application and does not guarantee admission to any of Kamehameha Schools'programs. Onee your Hawaiian ancestry is verifīed, you are eligible to be considered under the preference policy when applying forany Kamehameha Schools program orfor Kamehameha Schools hnaneial aid without further application to the Data Center. Start now! Don't delay...request a HAR form today! For more information or to request a HAR form, please visit our Web site: www.ksbe.edu/datacenter Or, contact us: Ho'oulu Hawaiian Data Center 567 South King Street, Suite 102 Honolulu, Hl 96813 Phone: (808) 523-6228 or toll free 1 (800) 842-4682, press 9, then ext. 36228 Fax: (808) 523-6286 E-mail: registry@ksbe.edu Kamehameha Schools * The Ho'oulu Hawaiian Data Center's purpose is to ensure accurate and consistent verification of Hawaiian ancestry forapplicants seeking to qualify foradmissions preference to K5 programs while developing a cornprehensive database of the Hawaiian population to support planning forlifelong learning in the Hawaiian community.