Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2006 — Page 23 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
L V» *Vt V i 4mT jb Jf- ''. ^ i.\*i^^\ |f M^Xl 1v^hb Vh^~^ īi ■ ^tv ,- r% 1 * E . 4fr- HHl*ri^2 ^hHH Jf jtr nFJjp*r^ I JFjC J ' ' | , fc % ■^^PrJ|| !■ I | y fc ™_m Uh^A ^L f ■ j^njfl| jB X J|p j ^ * 3H •• ^ *~^ *■■ V*'*.JBl y jl^ Jl l*i l \ /, ^i4 : v y> i ^i X A' 1 | Jr &bV^JtiVi^r^lul^Hi' ^A- *h_ . ,• I ' wu|| j IV ' i^j/ūJliPn??»m3^Tfl UīiimJffn\īfM
Kjp.i, lhr linp ,nn( s, ■) i ly -n-n< lc-rc-< I hark r(olh oi iinei^nl 1 1jwalTi wav .jn ink-j!.Ml |)iirt ;n r-\rr> im|Mkriiint 3.itiiiw ul Orf.,'s lik" - in.im hinh dnrl nldifi,iBL* lo (.IlmiIi. In Līnliiy's r onti'\L, HoVjJ(Jhr K.tf>.i repfj?ifn(s Lini1y .ind wholonwi .imong iu enMlm Lh.H while Ihe sL<jrt of todjy'i k.tp, 3 makers is otlc*n sjilil.ir>- in rvi1ure, lhc!ir crea1īons nelleel the visirm .īnel mOiomenl <11 a comrminily. lhe ldbor 01 ltt Lijm maken. aie rCptcs<ntLsJ in lhis (.nliihiL, dlinlf; wilh Vim<' 01' llh* nhLsl iKMulil'nl «t k,ijh r ,»rld inlpli'iiH-nL^ Innh |lh* Miim'liiO'l ( ullee lic>ns. Deti'l(ipecl īn pdrtnership with th< -Keom.vl.ini I l.in.ipi Fū4indatkin, l ky\jkjhi Kapa showcases. in unfjrrx."EiJL,n1e(J knliion, lln- ldyvrs cj1 lil'e. t A kiiorM, oH niLudriinp, ili.it dre impressecJ inlu iudch iilieī .ind iokl -- l.i>cis whkh revi*.»l k,ijj.rs unptir,illt;led lwauiy ,inil <. onnpleNity.
C.!jLI 804-847-551 1 nr visit h,vl_w. bishop m u 5ctun_-o rg fbr nmn- mioriitotioii. LlikliLip Mus.nini 1525 HeiniLO M. I lnneilulu. Hl Wsttl7
l ^ ^(Q /c64TW< mal, we weleome and invite you to visit our I offering of packaged homes designed for island living and I enjoying the gift and spirit of Ohana. Our models include 2I Bedroom 1-Bath, 3 or 4 Bedroom 2-Bath or larger two story I units with 5-Bedrooms and many more to choose from. Our I team of statewide consultants in Hilo, Kona, Maui/Molokai/ I Lanai, Oahu and Kauai are available and ready to 'talk story ' , I answer questions and share information about financing, I construction and delivery of materials to your home site.
<J " ^ \ ' 1 jP\_, 1 i \ k . I ■■ fF~Fi ~ V-ī nK^L^,. ^ * J I \ I