Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 7, 1 July 2006 — Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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-A- Male and Female speoial agents -$- Bachelor's or g raduate college deg ree from an accredited institution -$- Nationwide employment -$- Oomputer Science/I nformation Technology, Engineering, Sciences (Arohiteoture, Bio-ohemistry, Biology, Ohemistry, Forensios, Mathematics, Nursing, Physios, medical speoialties), Law, Languages, Accounting/Finance, I ntel ligence, Foreign Oounterintelligenoe, Oou nterterrorism -$- 2-3 years strong professional/i n vestigati ve/managerial work experienoe desired -A- 23-36 years of age -A- Drug polioy/drug testing mandatory -$>- Entry-level salary (GS-10) is $50,383 Academy training; $60,666 - $68,632 upon graduation, inoluding looality/availability pay
