Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 6, 1 June 2006 — Planning Hawaiʻi island beneficiary meetings [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Planning Hawaiʻi island beneficiary meetings

Linda K. ūela Cruz TrustEE, Hawai'i

Aloha 'oukou. Yes, I missed a eouple months writing my article for this newspaper. To tell you the truth, I did not know what I should write about. So many things are happening at OHA. For example: the Akaka Bill, S. 147 in Congress, the Native Hawaiian Coalition meetings, OHA Grants Program, Micro-Loans, Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund, land acquisitions, Waimea Valley Park, Waokele Geothermal Land in Puna on the Big Island, Kaka'ako, Moanalua Gardens (too bad we cannot get the valley too). Oh, I almost forgot the Hawaiian Registry and Kau Inoa. Also, OHA Strategic Plan, etc., etc., etc. By this time, I hope you are all familiar with these programs and are taking advantage and are participating in these programs to better conditions of native Hawaiians and Hawaiians. Mahalo a nui loa to all the people that have sent me coimnents about what I say and write about Hawaiian issues. Some comments thanked me for what I say and do, some have criticized my position on issues, some have written letters to the editor opposing my comments, etc., etc., etc. For what it's worth, so far, I weleome all comments whether it's for or against the programs. In the meantime, I am the trustee representing the island of Hawai'i, and I

am trying to put a meeting together to address the problems of the beneficiaries on the Big Island. I had two meetings before, whieh I called "puwalu." There was one meeting in Hilo and one meeting in Kona. Like they say, "If, at first you don't succeed, try, trying, try again." So, what shall it be? More meetings open to all the beneficiaries, or should there be a retreat with invited participants? I started planning a retreat for lune 23 and 24; however and meanwhile, I found out there will be other things going on for that weekend. So, lune 23 and 24 is not the right time for this retreat. Anybody have a suggestion, please let me know and I will start again to plan for meetings or another retreat. And finally, mahalo to all the state senators and representatives at the state Legislature and especially mahalo to Gov. Linda Lingle. This year, OHA did well at the state Legislature. This is an election year so don't forget to vote. Aloha, a hui hou (until next time).0