Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 6, 1 Iune 2006 — Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Makaha NOTICE TO INTERESTED PARTIES IS HEREBY GIVEN that unmarked, disarticulated, previously disturbed, human skeletal remains from what is believed to be a single individual were discovered by Cultural Surveys Hawai'i, Ine. The find was made as part of the archaeological inventory survey excavations related to the proposed replacement of Mākaha Bridges 3 and 3A, along Farrington Highway, Mākaha Ahupua'a, Wai'anae District, Island of O'ahu. The project area comprises portions of TMK (1) 8-4-001:012, 8-4-2:047, 45, 8-4-018:014, 122, 123, 8-4-08:018, 019, 020, and is located approximately 500 feet (150 m) mauka of the shoreline at Mākaha Beach Park, at the intersection of Kili Drive and Farrington Highway. The project proponent is R. M. Towill Corporation, consultant of the State of Hawai'i Department of Transportation, contact: Mr. Brian Takeda, Planner, at 420 Waiakamilo Road, #411, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96817 [Tel. 842-1133]. The human remains are a component of State Inventory of Historic Properties (SIHP) # 50-80-7-6825, a buried soil layer enriched with cultural material from both traditional Native Hawaiian and more recent historic land use. Background research indicates that during the Māhele one kuleana may have been awarded in the project area's vicinity: LCA 9689 to Nahina, plaee name or geographic feature "kahawai." Background research further indicates that two unawarded land claims, 9859 and 9860 to Napoe and Kalua, respectively, may have been made for parcels in the project area's vicinity. These land claims also refer to the possible plaee name or geographic feature "kahawai."
Following the procedures of Hawai'i Revised Statutes (HRS) Chapter 6E-43, and Hawai'i Administrative Rules (HAR) Chapter 13-300, the remains were determined to be over 50 years old and likely Native Hawaiian. The project proponent and the State Department of Transportation would prefer to relocate the human remains to another location either within or outside the project area; however, the decision to preserve in plaee or relocate these previously identified human remains shall be made by the O'ahu Island Burial Council in consultation with any identified lineal and/or cultural descendants, per the requirements of HAR Chapter 13-300-33. The remains' proper treatment shall occur in accordance with HAR Chapter 13-300-38. The State Historic Preservation Division/Department of Land and Natural Resources (SHPD/DLNR) is requesting persons having any knowledge of the identity or history of these human skeletal remains to immediately contact Ms. Pi'ilani Chang, at SHPD/DLNR, located at 555 Kakuhihewa Building, 601 Kamokila Boulevard, Kapolei, Hawai'i 96707 [Tel. (808) 692-8015; Fax (808) 692-8020] to present information regarding appropriate treatment of the unmarked human remains. All interested parties should respond within thirty days of this notice and provide information to SHPD/DLNR adequately demonstrating lineal descent from these specific burials or cultural descent from ancestors buried in the vicinity of this project.