Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 6, 1 Iune 2006 — Trustees approve $1 million for Kawaiaha'o renovation [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Trustees approve $1 million for Kawaiaha'o renovation
$275,000 in community grants also awarded By KWŪ staff In early may, OHA's Board of Trustees voted to contribute $1 million toward a renovation project at historic Kawaiaha'o Church, whieh has been associated with Hawaiian royalty and the Native Hawaiian community for more than 180 years. In addition, the trustees approved nearly $275,000 in grants to two community organizations. OHA's contribution, whieh will be spread over three years, is part of an overall $14 million renovation planned for the church, whieh is listed on both the state and national registers of historic sites. The present coral-walled sanctuary was eonstructed between 1838-1842. Renovations will include a new multi-purpose facility to house offices, a nursery, archives, social hall and kitchen. The building will be erected at the present site of Likeke Hall just ma kai of the historic structure. The project will also impact several other buildings on the church grounds. "This is OHA's acknowledgement of the hard work of those of the Kawaiaha'o 'ohana over these decades," said Board Chairperson Haunani Apoliona. "Indeed, there is great need in our eommunity - we see it every day. OHA is pleased to help Kawaiaha'o help Native Hawaiians restore
hope in the future." The Board of Trustees also approved a fourth round of grants originally submitted to OHA in April 2005. The additional $274,594 will benefit Alu Like's Social Services Program on Moloka'i ($169,622), and the Dyslexia Tutoring Center of Hawai'i Ine. on O'ahu ($104,972). The grants bring the total amount of OHA funds awarded to community grants and board initiatives during the current fiscal year to more than $6.35 million, benefiting more than 50 Hawai'ibased nonprofit organizations that support Native Hawaiians. For information on OHA's Grants Program, visit www.oha.org, or eall 594-1972. For more on the Kawaiaha'o Church renovation program, eall 522-1333. ^
Kawaiaha'o Church has been associated with Hawaiian royalty and the Native Hawaiian community for more then 180 years.