Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 6, 1 June 2006 — Kawaihae caves [ARTICLE]
Kawaihae caves
Is it Hui Mālama's time to finally admit its wrongdoing? They had their ehanee, and they still have no remorse for their hewa. What Iudge Ezra failed to realize about ho'oponopono is that at the end there is the
requirement of forgiveness. How ean you forgive someone for stealing a cultural treasure and then burying it in what they alone elaim as "religious freedom"? Let's be honest: is what Hui Mālama does a religious practice, or is it something they have made up like a song and dance? These people are not even related to kāhuna, let alone trained. These sacred objects are running out of time every second they remain in that cave. Now that the objects have been made so readily available, they are at risk of complete destruction, or being stolen and sold. Is this justice for all? It is sad that these are Hawaiians who are responsible for this wrongdoing. But it would be pathetic if other Hawaiians did not stand up to say what is the truth because they don't want to risk looking combative. Hui Mālama needs to be held responsible. If they refuse, then they should be held accountable in a manner consistent with the court's past record, whieh at the very least would require jail time, not just being fitted with hi-tech jewelry. Cy Kamuela Harris Honolulu, O'ahu