Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 6, 1 June 2006 — OHA grants [ARTICLE]
OHA grants
OHA's Grants Program is currently accepting funding requests for Fiscal Year 20062007 (July 1, 2006 - lune 30, 2007) from community-based nonprofit organizations that are working to address the needs of the Hawaiian community in such areas as education, heahh, human services, and culture. Grant requests are now being accepted on an ongoing basis, subject to the availability of funding. To be eligible for funding, an applicant must meet the following criteria: • The organization must have IRS tax-exempt nonprofit status (operating in the State of Hawai'i) or be a government agency; • The project must benefit Native Hawaiians individually or as a group; and • The organization must provide a percentage of total project cost (percentage determined by the amount of funding requested). In addition, all applicants must attend an OHA grants workshop or meet with grants program staff within 12 months prior to application deadline. Upcoming grant workshops are scheduled for lune 21 and July 12, 4 - 6 p.ni. at OHA's Honolulu headquarters. For more information or to request a grants information packet, please eall Grants Program staff at 594-1972 or visit the OHA website at www. oha.org.