Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 6, 1 June 2006 — Utah cultural center [ARTICLE]

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Utah cultural center

In May, the nonprofit Ka Lama Mōhala Foundation opened a Hawaiian cultural eenter in Midvale, Utah - the first such center to be built in the continental United States. Craig Toyama, president of Ka Lama Mōhala, said it was his dream to establish a plaee where the almost 4,000 Native Hawaiians living in Utah could gather to learn about their eulture. "Many Hawaiians eome to Utah for education or career opportunities," he said. "The decision to make Utah their home, however, included sacrificing their island lifestyle. Having the Hawaiian cultural center in the community now gives everyone a plaee to eome to feel 'haek home."' The center, whieh was funded in part by a grant from the Administration for Native Americans, contains a library and computer lab, and will hold classes and workshops on Hawaiian culture. For more information about the center, eall 801-562-5642 or email joni@kalanianiohala.org.