Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 5, 1 May 2006 — Aloha quantum [ARTICLE]

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Aloha quantum

I recently browsed through the editorial section of April's KWO, where an angry submission called "Hijacking heritage" corkscrewed my na'au deeply. In this editorial, Mr. Konohia attacks what he perceives as a "haole" incursion upon our Hawaiian culture and blood. He supports his opinion by describing specific people whom he considered "haole," and thus,

prime examples of a wannahe-

Hawaiian subculture. However, his briskobservations apparently take plaee within the reference of Mr. Konohia's recent visit home for a wedding. Eh brah, your target subjects are merely passing glimpses at best. How do you know they are "haole?" Like most part-Hawaiians, I am a tapestry of many races of whieh Hawaiian is only a quarter at most. So what, if you saw me on the street and my skin was light cuz its been raining so mueh and I was wearing my fishhook that I made in sixth grade (at Queen Lili'uokalani Children's Center no less), you going eall me one "haole" who thinks he's Hawaiian? I know people who have no Hawaiian blood at all, but their spirit, their soul is Hawaiian. Respect the person first and don't pass judgment based on looks. You can't eall someone anything but his or her name until you make the effort to know them truly, to know their spirit. Aloha is the blood quantum. Keep it flowing! Maff Kawika Ortiz Lā'ie, O'ahu