Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 23, Number 5, 1 May 2006 — Page 9 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Education-1st, has provided valuable resources to some of Hawaii's top high school athletes. Hurry limited enrollment...Don't miss the opportunity. NO APPLICATION FEEf $800 value! All camps are held at BYU-Hawaii.
WHAT: GAME PLAN FOOTBALL CAMP WHEN: July 5-8, 2006 FEATURING COLLEGE COACHES: Hawaii UNLV U«ah BYU New Mexico State Menlo College Arizona Western Oregon State Weber State Arizona Linfield Colorado MORE COACHES EXPECTED... Featu ring: JUNE JONES Head Coath, University of Hawaii
WHAT: GAME PLAN ACADEMY WHEN: June 26-30 To apply, eall 293-7700 or visit www.edu-lst.org Appliealion deadline: May 15, 2006 Must meet qualifications, eall for details. Sponsored by Education-l st Hawaii, ine, a non-profit 501 (c)3 C J organization, funded partly by a USDOE grant. | |